Sexual abuse is a terrible experience and traumatic especially for a defenceless child. It emotionally and psychologically scars the victim for the rest of her life. I recently helped a victim removed her scars after 40 years living with it. The scars was not so much the horror of the predator's action or face as she did not understand what was happening as a six year old but the inaction of the mother and loved ones! Yes not doing anything to help will cause more hideous scars than the predators can inflict. The sense of not being loved or cared for, the sense of being betrayed by someone who is supposed to protect you, the feelings of being so insignificant that people don't bother when you cry for help. This is what will stick to their minds and being. It will affect their decisions and colour their perception of people for the rest of their lives.
Using EFT http://www.eftwonder.com/ I had been able to remove the scars which others had considered non- existent because it was not visible to the untrained. Emotional scars continue to cause pain. We think it is buried and gone and time will heal but emotions are energy and energy in physics cannot be destroyed only change from one form to another or transferred. Unless one knows how to process negative emotions it will remain stuck in certain parts of the body and cause psychosomatic dis-ease. EFT gently and quickly process it without drugs. My patient only needed 2 sessions to find permanent relief. There are so many more who continue to suffer silently from past traumas not knowing what to do and who to turn to. I know their fears and their laughter ring hollow because they are only used to cover and hide their true emotional state-their pain.
WARNING - If your child ever tells you about physical abuse often poorly explained and expressed do listen and not set it aside as just imaginations because you may unintentionally scar your child more than the predator ever could.
Futher info: http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/child_sexual_abuse
Isaac Lim
The Laughing Therapist
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