The *RATS Online (*spell backward) reported as a front page news:
At least five doctors to suffer from mental woes every month
Every month, at least five doctors are found to be suffering from mental illnesses, director-general of health Tan Sri ........... said.
I am not surprised.The simple fact is that 30 %, yes that's one third, yes that's 1:3 people around you are having mental health issues. This is the findings of the UN report applicable for almost all countries.
Think about it 30% of the teachers in your/children school are suffering mental health problems, so are the barbers snipping your head with scissors and razors, so are the bus and taxi drivers, so are the politicians that govern our country (that explains a lot), so are the law enforcers, so are the ....well I could go on all night but lets faced it we all have our mental issues, it's just that we are afraid to let others know. Hello, are you still there? The question is 'How do we resolve this problem?' Simple says a mathematician, 'All you need to do is get another 21 % to join the mental health problem group and you have 51% that makes them as majority ....normal! All the rest would then be considered abnormal.'
That is so rational. But seriously this is no laughing matter. As a therapist I am so put off with people who think they are a 'problem'. The reality is that society has learn to ignored their pleading emotions crying for help because of stress until we reach a stage of mental burnt out. Something like ignoring the blinking red light on our car dashboard until you car engine suffers a sizure and the radiator begins to froth and gush. We are not suppose to admit, talk, show our emotions and feelings because it makes us look weak and what will others think about us? So we soon find ourselves in the 30% bracket. Doctors are not immune they are only human, so are teachers and all of us. Our brains are so fragile it is encased in a natural helmet call the skull but our mind which is the seat of human spirit, emotions and consciousness have no natural protection. We need to learn to treat our emotions as guardians of our health not something to be hidden in shame and suppressed. Emotions are energy that must be process correctly or it will remain in a stuck state in our bodies and negatively impact our health. EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques (http://www.eftwonder.com/) are one of the leading energy psychotherapy that is in the forefront of helping us process our emotions effectively. Parent will be able to use it to bring up emotionally balanced children and adults can use it to heal themselves and cope with lives many traumas. We need to learn to control our emotions before it controls us.
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