Whose birthday is Christmas day suppose to be? Santa's? If you have not heard it is the birthday of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Now who the heck is Santa and who appointed him to give presents to everyone? Imagine if it was your birthday and everyone was gathering around your birthday cake for the great Happy Birthday singalong when suddenly in comes this fat man in red costume hollering ho,ho,ho. He dumps a big sack of presents on the floor and says come and get it and you find you are left holding a plastic knife and a cake with candles melting into it! Now I would call this fat man in red a 'gate crasher' wouldn't you? Any court of law can tell you he is actually trespassing which I believe he has no qualms in doing so as it seems he does that all the time every 25th of December. He is a serial trespasser and the only reason he is not in the Interpol most wanted list is that he does not steal but bring gifts in stealth.
If you ask a child 'What is Christmas ?' I will bet you that the child will say its about Santa Clause, presents and turkeys. What happened to Jesus Christ whom the angels announced at his birth as the one who will bring joy to the world? 'Oh, there is a baby in a manger' recalls a child 'but I thought that was Santa!' Santa is beginning to sound like an identity thief.
How is it that Santa was able to upstage Jesus Christ? You know the answer don't you? Come on admit it. He bribed you with lots of toys. Yes we prefer material gifts than to receive eternal life which Jesus Christ promised to all man who will believe in him as the Son of God who died for their sins. The latest handheld PS2 in exchange for your soul or maybe you prefer a full spec Sony PlayStation witha 36in LCD screen? It's so hard to make life's decision.
Hold on I know you are thinking I have a grudge against the men in red. Perhaps he forgot my present. That's childish. I am genuinely concern about his negative influence. Just look at him....to say he is on the heavy side is short changing his attribute. He is obese/fat/rolly polly and what other politically incorrect terms I may use to just shock you to realise that he is a poor role model for children all over the world. Their little minds will be thinking I want to look well padded like Santa because he gets all the fun that's why he laughs a lot, get to travel all over the world and only works one day in a year! I can't argue with that especially the last bit.
Did you know that thin models are now taboo on the catwalk because it encourages young people to become impossibly thin and skeletal and that is suppose to be so beautiful. Of course they keep therapist like me busy but that is not what I need. Now let me put it plain and simple, dear Santa is a poor role model with his rotunda physique. In California muscular hunks are chosen to suit up as Santa. Now that's the healthy image we want not a fat, unshaven, sloppily dress international public figure. Santa should take a fashion page from Barack Obama with his $1,500 a piece suit. Santa need a makeover real bad. Perhaps as a therapist I can help him with weight loss and make him feel guilty about making his reindeers huff and puff just pulling his dead weight around the world. Lets start with his cravings. Even Obama had to acknowledge he has a smoking issue. That is how you begin to heal by simply recognizing that you have a problem. As an EFT therapist http://www.eftwonder.com/ I will get them to say 'Even though I .......(state problem) I fully and deeply accept this and I still love myself''. Now Santa admit you have a problem. Hello Santa? Are you there? Stop flying away I will even offer you free therapy sessions. I am in the spirit of giving. Stop......
You know another thing I find annoying about Santa? His laugh is sooo pretentious and sarcastic. Now you know why this laughing therapist can't stand him. He needs laugh therapy. If your laughter sounds like ho,ho,ho,ho instead of ha.ha,ha,ha you need to see me. Just email me for an appointment or log on to my website http://www.eftwonder.com/. and my blog http://www.laughingtherapist.blogspot.com/.
With Seasons Blessings
Isaac Lim
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