I am also a contributor to an exciting online magazine on lifestyle http://empowerlives.com/ and this article is written to greet 2009 and will be in the 1st.Jan.update. But I am jumping the gun in case the blogspot think I am pilfering from others. If others wants to use my contents please ask first I may say yes. It's a simple 'May I'.If you are concern about copyrights protection go to http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2006/04/10/what-do-you-do-when-someone-steals-your-content/
Can You Keep Your New Year Resolutions? -Test it!
I am a great fan of New Year resolutions. I love the way people go on about being a better person, doing greater good, becoming an achiever, hitting their first million, losing some weight and the next thing you know these poor souls has to add another resolution to their resolutions. I must fulfil my resolutions and not break it again! Do you know how many victims lie in morass and despair in the carnage of unfulfilled resolutions? If there is a graveyard for broken and dead resolutions it probably has a huge blinking neon lighted signs that says 'Sorry Full House Try Again Next Year!
As a therapist I will tell you exactly why you failed...again. Most people think that keeping resolutions are a matter of will power. If it were we would be living in a wonderful world because we only need to will it. So be glad it is not that you are weak willed. But the reality is that resolutions are an emotional respond to perceived failures. We are dealing with emotions a subject people find difficult to deal with. As another year comes to an end it invokes in us an emotional review of our lives. Have I achieve anything I can be proud off? Have I wasted another year? Have I..... and the list of goes on. Resolutions are band aid to feelings of perceived failures or shortcomings and because of that it does not address the real issue of why we think we failed in the first place. So to pre-empt any failure why not put your resolutions to test first? You can by a simple procedure using kinesiology or muscle testing a technique used in EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques http://www.eftwonder.com/ to test if you can fulfil your resolutions.
Technique 1: The 'O' Ring Finger Test.
Using your index finger and thumb join the tips to form a ring.
If you used your left hand fingers to make an 'O' ring insert your right index finger into the ring. Don't worry this is not an obscene sign but a valid therapy tool (I usually inform my clients of its purpose when using it in case of misunderstandings).
Say aloud 'My name is.....' and try to pull the ring apart with you right index finger so that it will break through the finger tip joint of the 'O'. Now do it again until it barely stops your finger from breaking through. This is the 'O' ring pressure you must maintain to keep the finger tips together. Next say 'My name is .....(give a false name)'. You will be surprise how easily it breaks through! Repeat until you get the results consistently. Now say aloud your resolutions 'I want to lose weight by August next year' or whatever resolutions you have made and apply the finger test. Next say aloud 'I do not want to lose weight by August next year' do the finger test again. If it breaks through easily at the 'I want to lose weight....' and shows resistant at the 'I do not want to lose weight....' you will not be able to fulfil your resolutions. Your subconscious has spoken. If you want to know why, you need to see me for this.
Technique 2: The Rubbing Finger Test.
Form an 'O' ring with your fingers again but this time using the same fingers rub the index in a circular direction on the tip of the thumb. Feel the sensation. Is it rough/sticky or smooth? Say your real name and rub how does it feel? Say a false name how does it feel? Your real name should be smooth the false rough or sticky. Now test your resolutions as you did in the first technique and do the rubbing finger test. If it is smooth when you say your resolution then you will fulfil your resolution if it is rough and sticky you will unlikely to fulfil it.
How To Make Resolutions That Will Pass The Test.
Be Specific -For example if you want to lose weight do not say in your resolutions 'I want to lose weight' instead say I want to lose 5 kilos.
Be Objective - I want to lose 5 kilos by August.
Be Realistic- Do not say I want to lose 20 kilos by next month your subconscious knows the truth.
Be Purposeful- 'I want to lose weight because... '. If the reason given is not something you want, you will not likely succeed.
Now after you have modified you resolutions according to the 4 Be's retest with either Finger Testing Technique whichever suits you better.
Congratulations if you have successfully made your resolutions more achievable! If you are unable to do so there are probably emotional blocks or psychological reversals and you will need to use EFT to unblock it. Wishing all a Healthy, Happy New Year 2009!
Wishing You A Happy New Year 2009
Isaac Lim
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