Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 New Year Fireworks -Youtube Links

I ushered in 2009- SAFELY - in the secure confines of my bedroom. Yes, safe from being trampled by the rowdy crowd, safe from drunken drivers waiting to run down the first victim of the year. You don't know how safe I felt as the hands of the clock crossed the line between past and present and future. I heaved a sigh of relief that I am still alive and my family is safe. The transition between 2008 and 2009 is over. Thank God we made it through 2008.
I know you may say, 'That's no fun! You miss out on all the fireworks'. Wrong, I did not, on the other hand I am enjoying the best fireworks display from all over the world in that wonderful world of youtube and just to show you how much fun I am having I have decided to add the videos in this blog. Have fun.

Isaac Lim

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can You Keep Your New Year Resolutions? -Test it!


I am also a contributor to an exciting online magazine on lifestyle and this article is written to greet 2009 and will be in the 1st.Jan.update. But I am jumping the gun in case the blogspot think I am pilfering from others. If others wants to use my contents please ask first I may say yes. It's a simple 'May I'.If you are concern about copyrights protection go to

Can You Keep Your New Year Resolutions? -Test it!

I am a great fan of New Year resolutions. I love the way people go on about being a better person, doing greater good, becoming an achiever, hitting their first million, losing some weight and the next thing you know these poor souls has to add another resolution to their resolutions. I must fulfil my resolutions and not break it again! Do you know how many victims lie in morass and despair in the carnage of unfulfilled resolutions? If there is a graveyard for broken and dead resolutions it probably has a huge blinking neon lighted signs that says 'Sorry Full House Try Again Next Year!

As a therapist I will tell you exactly why you failed...again. Most people think that keeping resolutions are a matter of will power. If it were we would be living in a wonderful world because we only need to will it. So be glad it is not that you are weak willed. But the reality is that resolutions are an emotional respond to perceived failures. We are dealing with emotions a subject people find difficult to deal with. As another year comes to an end it invokes in us an emotional review of our lives. Have I achieve anything I can be proud off? Have I wasted another year? Have I..... and the list of goes on. Resolutions are band aid to feelings of perceived failures or shortcomings and because of that it does not address the real issue of why we think we failed in the first place. So to pre-empt any failure why not put your resolutions to test first? You can by a simple procedure using kinesiology or muscle testing a technique used in EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques to test if you can fulfil your resolutions.

Technique 1: The 'O' Ring Finger Test.
Using your index finger and thumb join the tips to form a ring.
If you used your left hand fingers to make an 'O' ring insert your right index finger into the ring. Don't worry this is not an obscene sign but a valid therapy tool (I usually inform my clients of its purpose when using it in case of misunderstandings).
Say aloud 'My name is.....' and try to pull the ring apart with you right index finger so that it will break through the finger tip joint of the 'O'. Now do it again until it barely stops your finger from breaking through. This is the 'O' ring pressure you must maintain to keep the finger tips together. Next say 'My name is .....(give a false name)'. You will be surprise how easily it breaks through! Repeat until you get the results consistently. Now say aloud your resolutions 'I want to lose weight by August next year' or whatever resolutions you have made and apply the finger test. Next say aloud 'I do not want to lose weight by August next year' do the finger test again. If it breaks through easily at the 'I want to lose weight....' and shows resistant at the 'I do not want to lose weight....' you will not be able to fulfil your resolutions. Your subconscious has spoken. If you want to know why, you need to see me for this.

Technique 2: The Rubbing Finger Test.
Form an 'O' ring with your fingers again but this time using the same fingers rub the index in a circular direction on the tip of the thumb. Feel the sensation. Is it rough/sticky or smooth? Say your real name and rub how does it feel? Say a false name how does it feel? Your real name should be smooth the false rough or sticky. Now test your resolutions as you did in the first technique and do the rubbing finger test. If it is smooth when you say your resolution then you will fulfil your resolution if it is rough and sticky you will unlikely to fulfil it.

How To Make Resolutions That Will Pass The Test.

Be Specific -For example if you want to lose weight do not say in your resolutions 'I want to lose weight' instead say I want to lose 5 kilos.

Be Objective - I want to lose 5 kilos by August.

Be Realistic- Do not say I want to lose 20 kilos by next month your subconscious knows the truth.

Be Purposeful- 'I want to lose weight because... '. If the reason given is not something you want, you will not likely succeed.

Now after you have modified you resolutions according to the 4 Be's retest with either Finger Testing Technique whichever suits you better.
Congratulations if you have successfully made your resolutions more achievable! If you are unable to do so there are probably emotional blocks or psychological reversals and you will need to use EFT to unblock it. Wishing all a Healthy, Happy New Year 2009!

Wishing You A Happy New Year 2009
Isaac Lim

Monday, December 29, 2008

Lets Talk About Weddings -Soberly

Yes I am back! I actually kept away from blogging for more than a week! It was my brother's fault. You see he got married. At a ripe old age of 45 to a bride who is at a tender and ripe age of 21, both are ripe to be married. That's ripe, I mean right. He wanted me to be both the marriage minister and camera man. Now don't you dare snicker. I can be both serious and hilarious ...really! No I am not schizo it's just that when I came out of my mother's womb I was turning blue and the doctor had to whack my behind to make me laugh. That got me breathing. Enough of tall tales. The truth is I was born with extra funny bones but brought up in an ultra conservative church where laughter is scorn upon as 'unspiritual'. I mean who ever heard of 'spiritual laughter'. I recall being with another young church member and as any young teenagers would we enjoyed innocent bantering. We soon felt a chill as we realised a church elder had appeared like a hovering vulture and he gave us a cold disapproving glare. We were told that Christians should be sober and act soberly and verses were quoted as though we had sinned. I mean he was repressive and had a scowl on his face that could sent a bull dog yelping away. Now I have outgrown him and with this blog it's payback time......ha,ha,ha. TAKE THAT YOU BULLDOG! Nowww that is soooo therapeutic.

I hope my 'confessions of a therapist' would help others not to think that they are vulnerable and weak if they laugh or banter. It is the serious scowling man and women who are actually putting on a mask of authority and are afraid that if they remove it, it is tantamount to losing their authority. Do you know anyone like that in your lives? They can be your father, mother, boss, teacher they are everywhere. You can now see them in a new light, not of them as authoritative figures to be afraid off but insecure individuals who are themselves afraid of revealing their own emotions and represses it even the joy in their lives and others. Sad isn't it? In Neuro Linguistic Programming we call this shift in view point as 'reframing'.This is part of therapy techniques we use to help others.

Now back to being a marriage minister for the day. The solemnizing of the vow went well and I got them to kiss. That somehow seems to be the highlight of the ceremony as young girls giggle and a lightning storm of flash lighted up the hall. I could almost hear them thinking aloud, 'Hurry up and finish with it we want action not preaching'. People are certainly strange. On the other hand I think people feel that weddings should be happy and joyous and solemnizing is so contradictory. Now life is like that it is both serious and funny and we can be both.

With Blessings

Isaac Lim

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa Need a Therapist

Whose birthday is Christmas day suppose to be? Santa's? If you have not heard it is the birthday of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Now who the heck is Santa and who appointed him to give presents to everyone? Imagine if it was your birthday and everyone was gathering around your birthday cake for the great Happy Birthday singalong when suddenly in comes this fat man in red costume hollering ho,ho,ho. He dumps a big sack of presents on the floor and says come and get it and you find you are left holding a plastic knife and a cake with candles melting into it! Now I would call this fat man in red a 'gate crasher' wouldn't you? Any court of law can tell you he is actually trespassing which I believe he has no qualms in doing so as it seems he does that all the time every 25th of December. He is a serial trespasser and the only reason he is not in the Interpol most wanted list is that he does not steal but bring gifts in stealth.

If you ask a child 'What is Christmas ?' I will bet you that the child will say its about Santa Clause, presents and turkeys. What happened to Jesus Christ whom the angels announced at his birth as the one who will bring joy to the world? 'Oh, there is a baby in a manger' recalls a child 'but I thought that was Santa!' Santa is beginning to sound like an identity thief.

How is it that Santa was able to upstage Jesus Christ? You know the answer don't you? Come on admit it. He bribed you with lots of toys. Yes we prefer material gifts than to receive eternal life which Jesus Christ promised to all man who will believe in him as the Son of God who died for their sins. The latest handheld PS2 in exchange for your soul or maybe you prefer a full spec Sony PlayStation witha 36in LCD screen? It's so hard to make life's decision.

Hold on I know you are thinking I have a grudge against the men in red. Perhaps he forgot my present. That's childish. I am genuinely concern about his negative influence. Just look at say he is on the heavy side is short changing his attribute. He is obese/fat/rolly polly and what other politically incorrect terms I may use to just shock you to realise that he is a poor role model for children all over the world. Their little minds will be thinking I want to look well padded like Santa because he gets all the fun that's why he laughs a lot, get to travel all over the world and only works one day in a year! I can't argue with that especially the last bit.

Did you know that thin models are now taboo on the catwalk because it encourages young people to become impossibly thin and skeletal and that is suppose to be so beautiful. Of course they keep therapist like me busy but that is not what I need. Now let me put it plain and simple, dear Santa is a poor role model with his rotunda physique. In California muscular hunks are chosen to suit up as Santa. Now that's the healthy image we want not a fat, unshaven, sloppily dress international public figure. Santa should take a fashion page from Barack Obama with his $1,500 a piece suit. Santa need a makeover real bad. Perhaps as a therapist I can help him with weight loss and make him feel guilty about making his reindeers huff and puff just pulling his dead weight around the world. Lets start with his cravings. Even Obama had to acknowledge he has a smoking issue. That is how you begin to heal by simply recognizing that you have a problem. As an EFT therapist I will get them to say 'Even though I .......(state problem) I fully and deeply accept this and I still love myself''. Now Santa admit you have a problem. Hello Santa? Are you there? Stop flying away I will even offer you free therapy sessions. I am in the spirit of giving. Stop......

You know another thing I find annoying about Santa? His laugh is sooo pretentious and sarcastic. Now you know why this laughing therapist can't stand him. He needs laugh therapy. If your laughter sounds like ho,ho,ho,ho instead of ha.ha,ha,ha you need to see me. Just email me for an appointment or log on to my website and my blog
With Seasons Blessings
Isaac Lim

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Letter to the RATS Editorial

The RATS Newspaper has a column for letters to the editor and a recent comment on doctors not listening to their patients touched a not so melodious chord in me. So I wrote this as I waited for 3 hours in Uni... hospital to see a doctor which took only 10 minutes to deal with my case. I was further subjected to waiting another 1 hour for the nuclear appointment counter to open as it was lunch hours then and another 30 minutes for the medication. In all I was at the hospital from 9.30am to 4pm. Even the dead will groan impatiently and the sick will have more reasons to be sick!

To The Editor, 11/12/08

I refer to MBA’s emotive letter in ‘Try lending patients an ear, too, doctor’ and Edward Wong’s informative supporting letter. Edward had helpfully highlighted that 50 medical schools in US had incorporated the subject of ‘spirituality’ into their courses. This is probably due to the dawning realisation that man is not just a biological machine but also a ‘spiritual being’. We possess conscience and emotions which until today medical science had not been able to locate its existence in the biological brain even though they can tell you which part of the brain controls which specific body functions. Empathy is part of this spirituality. ‘I feel your pain’ is not a metaphor or just words to console. It is literal. Some who turn to complementary medicine do so because they are treated as ‘spiritual being’. Advanced complementary therapist can even feel the patient’s emotions emphatically during the course of their treatment. This ability to monitor their patient’s feelings effectively helps them in their treatment.
Edward Wong mentions that Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia had created an ‘empathy index’ to measure the physician’s effectiveness in dealing with their patients. Incorporating spirituality and developing empathy index is not clinical medicine going backwards but it is to be considered progressive and an advancement in medical care that is holistic. Patients will tell you that they prefer to be treated as human beings with feelings rather than machines to be repaired. Waiting 2 to 4 hours in the hospital to see a doctor (which is what I am doing now as I write this letter) only to be abruptly asked a few diagnostic questions and bundle out in 5-10 minutes without a word of assurance does nothing to the emotionally anxious patient. It instead leaves a sense of being ignored, deprived and ‘miss-treated’. Yes the doctor has all the medical knowledge but it is the patient who is experiencing all the pain. Their complaints should not be dismissed as a waste of time and ignored but should be considered as part of their clinical symptoms which will help in their diagnosis. If doctors wonder why patients turn to alternative and complementary medicine I advise them to just ‘listen to their patients’.

Isaac Lim
Emotional Freedom for All -PJ

Friday, December 5, 2008

Case of Swollen Leg Healed.

I have decided to blog my therapy case as many do not know how I treat my patients. Actually I treat them very well thank you. Just joking:) I have below a case description in this rather clinical format rather than a novel because I can be rather long winded but if you prefer novel I don't mind doing it.

Case: 30/11/08 from the Therapy Room

Patient :
46 years old female with history of leg problem. Started 3 years ago seen doctors who gave pain killers. She later when on SNE supplements which had recently discontinued due to government regulations. This has resulted in her rheumatism flaring again.

She came limping and unable to stand up from a sitting position due to intense pain.
She complain of pain from the knee radiating to her whole leg. Her whole thigh from knee up was 30% swollen.

Applied Medical Qigong treatment. Scan leg and found blockage at lower leg area. Unblock and sweep leg and purged from feet. Leg swelling visibly reduced. Continued with energizing at knee area. Patient reported less pain told her to test by sitting and standing. Able to do so repeatedly with little pain. She indicated the back of her knee has some pulling sensation. I purge leg again and energize. Complete treatment by balancing her meridian for better blood circulation.

Patient leg pain had been considerable reduced and no longer limping. Her swelling was reduced to 10% and was attested by her family members who were present. Told her to return for second session in 3 days time. Total treatment time-30minutes.

Follow up:
Today 1 week after first session. She came walking well. Her swelling was gone and her only complain was some knee pain in the same leg and pulling nerves behind her knee. Scan and found blockage at feet unblocked and energize knee. Cleared her spine and hip for better circulation of chi. Result - No more pain. Told her to return only if there is pain. Time:-30 minutes.

Therapist-Isaac Lim

Sexual Abuse - Don't Ignore It.

Sexual abuse is a terrible experience and traumatic especially for a defenceless child. It emotionally and psychologically scars the victim for the rest of her life. I recently helped a victim removed her scars after 40 years living with it. The scars was not so much the horror of the predator's action or face as she did not understand what was happening as a six year old but the inaction of the mother and loved ones! Yes not doing anything to help will cause more hideous scars than the predators can inflict. The sense of not being loved or cared for, the sense of being betrayed by someone who is supposed to protect you, the feelings of being so insignificant that people don't bother when you cry for help. This is what will stick to their minds and being. It will affect their decisions and colour their perception of people for the rest of their lives.

Using EFT I had been able to remove the scars which others had considered non- existent because it was not visible to the untrained. Emotional scars continue to cause pain. We think it is buried and gone and time will heal but emotions are energy and energy in physics cannot be destroyed only change from one form to another or transferred. Unless one knows how to process negative emotions it will remain stuck in certain parts of the body and cause psychosomatic dis-ease. EFT gently and quickly process it without drugs. My patient only needed 2 sessions to find permanent relief. There are so many more who continue to suffer silently from past traumas not knowing what to do and who to turn to. I know their fears and their laughter ring hollow because they are only used to cover and hide their true emotional state-their pain.

WARNING - If your child ever tells you about physical abuse often poorly explained and expressed do listen and not set it aside as just imaginations because you may unintentionally scar your child more than the predator ever could.
Futher info:

Isaac Lim
The Laughing Therapist

Monday, December 1, 2008

Mental Doctors? So What's New?

The *RATS Online (*spell backward) reported as a front page news:
At least five doctors to suffer from mental woes every month
Every month, at least five doctors are found to be suffering from mental illnesses, director-general of health Tan Sri ........... said.

I am not surprised.The simple fact is that 30 %, yes that's one third, yes that's 1:3 people around you are having mental health issues. This is the findings of the UN report applicable for almost all countries.
Think about it 30% of the teachers in your/children school are suffering mental health problems, so are the barbers snipping your head with scissors and razors, so are the bus and taxi drivers, so are the politicians that govern our country (that explains a lot), so are the law enforcers, so are the ....well I could go on all night but lets faced it we all have our mental issues, it's just that we are afraid to let others know. Hello, are you still there? The question is 'How do we resolve this problem?' Simple says a mathematician, 'All you need to do is get another 21 % to join the mental health problem group and you have 51% that makes them as majority ....normal! All the rest would then be considered abnormal.'
That is so rational. But seriously this is no laughing matter. As a therapist I am so put off with people who think they are a 'problem'. The reality is that society has learn to ignored their pleading emotions crying for help because of stress until we reach a stage of mental burnt out. Something like ignoring the blinking red light on our car dashboard until you car engine suffers a sizure and the radiator begins to froth and gush. We are not suppose to admit, talk, show our emotions and feelings because it makes us look weak and what will others think about us? So we soon find ourselves in the 30% bracket. Doctors are not immune they are only human, so are teachers and all of us. Our brains are so fragile it is encased in a natural helmet call the skull but our mind which is the seat of human spirit, emotions and consciousness have no natural protection. We need to learn to treat our emotions as guardians of our health not something to be hidden in shame and suppressed. Emotions are energy that must be process correctly or it will remain in a stuck state in our bodies and negatively impact our health. EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques ( are one of the leading energy psychotherapy that is in the forefront of helping us process our emotions effectively. Parent will be able to use it to bring up emotionally balanced children and adults can use it to heal themselves and cope with lives many traumas. We need to learn to control our emotions before it controls us.