Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Marry, Merry Christmas is here again.  No it is not a spelling mistake. I actually got married on Christmas day. Why choose Christmas day? Well... I thought that way I only need to buy one gift for two occasion. Wait before you call me a cheap skate I was just joking. Really, I am very generous for this Christmas I bought myself an Ipad. Yes, a 64G wifi Ipad. It is my first apple and now I find it does not sync well with my windows pc. I am getting sleepless nights.
So what am I getting for my wife? I offered her a Ford Escape but since she feels we cannot afford it so I am getting her a ....surprise! Unless a kind soul out there wants to make my generous gift a reality. After all it is not just another wedding anniversary. It is our 'Twentieth anniversary' I can't believe we were married for 20 years!! I mean I am still madly in love with her. Who says marriage grows stale with time. Our love grew in in depth and maturity like cheese mmmm... no make that wine.
Marriage is never without storms. Make sure your marital ship has these crew members name commitment, compassion, compromise and connection on board. The 4 C's of marital success. If you can't find that in a partner don't marry him/her. If you think you can change the partner to 'improve' him/her after you get married, you are in for a shock so will your partner. It is in the first 3-5 years that is make and break as both adjust to each others peculiarities, habits, idiosyncrasies, expectations and phobias. Wait a minute, you mean we did not see that until we got married? Do you remember the saying 'Love is blind"? It's true.
Also there is a special tool that can save trouble marriage and help make the first 3-5 years so much easier for both partners it's call EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. Marriage is mainly an emotional bond. Not only love but also many negative emotions like anger, jealousy, low self esteem, bitterness and many more. Learning to handle your emotions and understanding why you get angry at each other over the slightest issue will take away the hidden rocks that can shipwreck your marriage.
As a therapist I had the opportunities to tap away all these negative emotions from couples who see me. They even tell me 'You are our last hope'! Their marriage grew stronger after that. Intimacy improves and is restored. Sexual and financial issues are solved. I and my wife also tap together on our issues. If this is the secret to successful marriage you can add one more crew member in you marital ship - EFT!

To all my friends and EFT graduates,

Marry and Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating this seasons happiness and joy.

With happiness
Isaac Lim

Tuesday, November 23, 2010



Do you want to forget or remove any unpleasant memory? Medical science may have found a drug for that. There is of course no guarantee that other parts of your memory might be erased as well like the time you fell in love with your wife or soul mate. But why do we need to remove or erase these 'negative' memories when there is a simple method of erasing and removing the emotional trauma of that memory. Imagine being able to recall the traumatic memory without feeling angry, fearful, panicky and all the associated negative emotions. EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques can do just that. Why erase your memory when you can erase the negative emotions? It is essential that these memories be retain so we do not repeat the same mistakes. If you fell into the river and almost drown resulting in a phobia of water would you remove the phobia or the memory of falling into the river? Certainly the phobia not the memory which could in future help us to be more careful. A traumatized raped victim need to be able to testify in court. If to remove the trauma we need to remove the memory how is she going to testify? EFT will remove the trauma and she can still recount the incident without the trauma. Natural News gave a fantastic report in their following article.

"(NaturalNews) Drug researchers are working on a mind-altering chemical that could erase your memories. It's all being pursued under the umbrella of "mental health" with claims that this could help victims of emotional trauma. The idea that you can "heal" a patient by chemically lobotomizing them is, of course, entirely consistent with the core mythology of modern medicine: If something's wrong, you should poison it, burn it, irradiate it or cut it out... and then pronounce the patient "healed!"

In the case of memory-erasing drugs, scientists are reportedly working on a drug that would remove certain proteins from the brain's "fear center." This is based on the ludicrous idea, by the way, that memories are recorded solely by physical proteins in the brain -- an idea that's obviously based on an entirely outmoded mechanistic model of the human mind and brain.
Then again, modern medical science seems to be hopelessly stuck in the Dark Ages, believing that there must be a chemical cure for everything. Hence the ongoing waste of billions of dollars searching for a cancer cure as if it were some sort of acquired infection.
"Erasing a memory and then everything bad built on that is an amazing idea, and I can see all sorts of potential," said Kate Farinholt, executive director of the mental health support and information group NAMI Maryland, in a Baltimore Sun story ( But even she can see this approach could be fraught with danger: "Completely deleting a memory, assuming it's one memory, is a little scary. How do you remove a memory without removing a whole part of someone's life, and is it best to do that, considering that people grow and learn from their experiences?"  ...........................
and more about EFT at

With happiness
Isaac Lim

Monday, November 15, 2010


WARNING - Meditation can be hazardous to your health if you have repressed and unresolved emotional issues. While thousands have benefited and found peace from meditation there are some who have abreactions that are caused by the sudden released of raw negative emotions that had been suppressed. The release is so overwhelming and traumatic that it can take days or even years to recover from it.

Recently in a single week of psychotherapy I had three clients telling me of their traumatic emotional experiences that was triggered by meditation. One did it unsupervised by following a book, the other with yoga and another went to a monastery in Nepal. The first two suffered anxiety attacks while the latter suffered severe abreactions that lasted two years and nearly killed her with bulimia. There is a need to warn people of the consequence of unsupervised and unsuitable subjects for meditation. If you intend to practice meditation it is advisable to learn techniques to clear suppressed negative emotions. EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is one of the most easily taught and applied techniques that quickly and gently process negative emotions. I had used it to clear and help the above clients. It is fast as negative emotions are processed and removed in minutes. An hour with them involves removing several negative emotions and one or two issues. Many are unaware that repressed emotions can also lead to physical health issues. Everyone need to address this important emotional health issue. Many fail to do so because they think they have no issues or they can bear it. Why bear it and carry the emotional baggage around for the rest of your life when you can easily get rid of it? One day EFT workshops ( can equip you with a powerful tool that you can use for a life time of health. 

With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Monday, November 1, 2010


Snatched Victims - Are you one too?

Below is my facebook forum from IZ EFT group on helping snatch thief victims using EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques (

She had been traumatised.

How do you help someone like her?

What are the core issues and emotional traumas to address?

What EFT method would you use?

What type of pain is she experiencing and will EFT help?

See Story Link:

Lets hear from all of you and your own experience as a victim or practitioner. She lost much more than her handbag and rm.30. She lost her dignity, self-esteem, security, sleep and now filled with fear, guilt, anxiety, insomnia, pain, violated... I want to help all victims and teach them how to 'snatch back' what they lost with EFT.
Give your answers and diagnosis and I will show you how to help others like her.
The next EFT gathering will introduce this healing program mainly for the ladies call "Snatch It Back!'.
If you have heard of victims of snatch thieves or robberies you can invite them at our watering hole -Papa Rich restaurant.
Let us work together on this project for all the victims. Give me your feedback.

With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Hi all ,
Thank you Isaac for presenting us with these challenges.

I would start with asking her current level of anxiety, and tap till it goes down to zero.
I would also do a movie technique with her to get her to recall the incident and tap along.
The thought of petrol station, car, policeman, police station may trigger anxiety and that will be something to tap on too.
Then I may get her to talk a bit and see if I can pick up any beliefs, truths or table tops that she might have.
These writings on the walls may be the reason she is attracting misfortunes.
If she does have, I will ask her to recall any incidents that support the beliefs and tap on those events.

Hopefully we can get as many events for her to eliminate and remove the table top.


Isaac Lim -Hi Shaliza,

Thank you for your response to my questions on this snatch case. Your diagnosis of this case and approach to helping her are very good and correct. I am happy with your assessment of her case as it shows you are a capable EFT practitioner and therapist.

I would like to draw your attention to 2 other emotional aspect that may need to be processed.

a) She mention how she though she was going to die and she found strenght to break free when she thought of her children who need her. This new belief form out of trauma may change her behaviour towards her children to being over protective. She may have the fear of her children losing her and may now be reluctant to leave them. Check on this.

b) She mention pain during the night that cause her to cry and lose sleep. We need to address this issue. Her physical pain is likely 70% emotional and addressing this with movie technique as you mention will reduce it and help her sleep. I suspect she is stuck in the fight state and that was the reason she could not stop talking which made the police officer to lose patience with her. She is likely hypervigilant and that can cause insomnia. Her internal alarm cannot stop ringing. This again will affect her behaviour later on unless it is removed.
I had a recent client with a knife wound that is 10 years old and the scar is still painful especially on rainy days. After only one session I saw her the following week and asked her about it. She was surprised that there was no more pain . Her scar now has sensation when touch and the skin more relax as it now has wrinkles when before it was shiny and tight! This snatch thief victim will find her wound healing faster after EFT.
I am collating your response to form a 'Snatch it Back' workshop to help victims of snatch thieves and robbery. It is more of a community project. If any NGO woman's groups are interested to organise one I would be happy to support them.

With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Thursday, July 22, 2010

One Mans' Meat is another Mans' Poison.

One man's meat is another man's poison is an idiom that rings literally true for me. I was in excruciating pain and had to limp in agony for days. My left foot was swollen and inflame and the pain at my achilles tendon was like an arrow had pierced through it! Am I being too melodramatic in my description of the dreaded four lettered word? GOUT! Yes, gout is my archilles heel, my weakness that had laid low (no pun intended) many of my ancestors from my father's side. How unfortunate that blood tests had also shown that my dear teenage children had also inherited it, as they too had high uric acid. 'From whence did thou posses it? From the sins of my fathers.' No that did not come from the Bible nor the great Victorian bard with a 'parkinsonian' name Shakespeare. Am I being dramatic again? Sorry with a smile. It's easier to laugh in the face of suffering than to cry in the arse of adversity. Now, that was original and you can quote me on that. Inspiration comes from perspiration but my comes from gout. No, I am not high from over medication in fact I refused to take the steroids the doctor gave me. It will cause increase appetite and indigestion. Now that sounds evil. It makes you eat like a hog and gives you indigestion in return. Anti-inflammatory medications also helps tremendously but after one week with it your ulcerated stomach lining may need a new one. I chose a more friendly one call 'Mobid'. My daughter asked why did they call it that and I enlighten her that it is spelt 'Mobic'.

I know a way to reduce the recovery period from 7 -10 days to 3-4 days after all I am a pain management therapist. Using diaphragmatic breathing technique with raised legs as you lie down it increases blood, oxygen and chi flow to reduce the uric acid crystals and inflammation in your joints and tissues. I also used EFT to soothe my frustration and other emotional blocks to healing. It also soothes the burning pain so I can reduce the painkiller dosage to save my stomach lining.

What about food? Water, lots of it will help flush out uric acid and water melon is a juicy natural cure for gout as with cherries. They are rich in vitamin C and antioxidant which helps reduce inflammation. What about supplements? While fish oil that has been distilled is helpful a new product called stemtech was amazing. I tried it and the next day the swelling was 50% down after 3 days it is 90% healed.

I had to also watch my diet to make sure it had less purine which turns into uric acid. The kidneys normally excretes it but some of us tend to go into overproduction and the overworked kidneys cannot handle it.. There goes my satay, durian, cauliflowers, duck, sardines, dahl, all red meat and everything that taste good. If it taste good it's probably not good. No I am kidding but it does seem that way. Peanuts is bad, very bad and it's not even a real nut. Do you know it is the only nut that comes from the ground while all other nuts grows from trees? In Malaysia the more well known ones are grown on cemetery plots. They wash it and then dry it on tomb stones. That's what I was told so don't look at me like my nose had suddenly elongated. Peanut is normally the culprit that gets me but this time the cause was from ..... my wife. You see she bought something that gave me nostalgia, for as a kid I used to scoop a spoon of it and slowly lick it like it's a lollipop. That black,creamy, salty mamite was simply delicious and healthy. I remembered reading about the Japanese invasion and the death railway being built by malnourished British POWs. One of them swelled up with beri-beri. They had very little medication available so the medical officer gave him a bottle of mamite and it healed him. So I had a very high regard for the black goo and we had mamite soup threes times that week and presto now my left foot looks like it has beri-beri!

OK I have to put my brakes on or my blog will turn into a novel. When you are 'hot' you just want to continue writing. For more info on gout here is the medical link and my therapy links.
With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Panic Attacks and Punish Me Syndrome.

Statistically 10% of the population suffers from panic attacks and another 30% from anxiety disorder. This is not only true of Malaysians but also of the world. Surprised? Why should we be? Is this not a bad and scary world that we are living in? At anytime an earthquake could open up the earth under our feet and swollen us up or a mad guy may decided that nuclear war is tactically sound or a suicidal zealot may decide to go to heaven by sending everyone else to hell? All that can easily be push back into the dark recesses of our mind (and that's where it will always be, a niggling uneasiness) but for the sufferers of PA and AD it is illogically very real.
I normally need 2-6 sessions to help people with PA and AD with EFT. This is much faster than conventional talk or cognitive therapy. However last week a client who had been waking up with panic attacks for two years told me in the following session that the episodes are gone! Wow! that was fast. Sometimes EFT even surprise me with its results.
I had another client who as a child was arbitrary punished without excuse or his defence being allowed. He soon surrendered to the punishment meted out as something expected and not to be questioned even if he was not in the wrong. Like Pavlov's dogs he soon expects some form of punishment even as an adult and if none is forthcoming he will unconsciously punish himself emotionally or with psychosomatic pain. No amount of painkillers or physiotherapy could help him. I had to work on forgiveness and healing at cellular level to help him overcome it.
Do we all need EFT to help us in life. A resounding YES! As far as I am concern we are emotional beings that have forgotten how to process our emotions and had instead learn to ignore and repressed it. It will come back to haunt us in ways we least expect and affects our quality of life and happiness.

With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Monday, June 21, 2010


I recently attended a hypnosis workshop by Dr.George Bien a legend in the world of hypnosis. As I shook his hand at the end of the workshop I said to him "I came to see a living legend in action and I got an eyeful. Thank you." He is America's top hypnotist yet he was approachable. I actually attended for the certification and to see how he conducts training so I can model some of his presentation techniques. I have after all attended hypnosis workshops before but I still find my EFT techniques so quick and easy to use I never really got to using hypnosis as an essential tool.
I was pleasantly surprised that a 2 page 30 minute presentation was given on EFT to invoke interest and awareness about this amazing healing tool. The highlight was a beautiful (inside and outside) visiting hypnotherapist who gave her testimony on how she broke her neck and died, revived but declared a quadriplegic with no hope of ever walking again. She was able to save her life by using self hypnosis to stiffen her neck and put herself in a happy mood in the months of being bedridden. She also used visual EFT to remove the trauma in her body and she began to recover her feelings to her limps and body. The nurses and doctors were amazed by her recovery as they have declared her paralysis permanent. Wow what a testimony!
During the workshop I also had the opportunity to help two ladies.The first was a medical intern who had a bad throat and was coughing beside me. I offered to help her with qigong emphasising that I need not touch her. I removed the congested energy in her throat and energized it. She said she could feel the heat from my hands. After 10 minutes I asked her how her throat feels and she replied with a surprised facial expression, 'It feels much better'. I check on her on the last day and she is almost recovered without needing any further treatment. The second was an elder doctor and as she sat beside me I could feel her emotional congestion in her chest and offered to help with EFT. It took me 20 minutes to clear the emotional congestion in her chest and jaws. She looked so much more radiant after that as compared with the days she was looking so worried and subdued. The point is the young and old, the clients and the therapist are all open to dis-ease and disease. Come on, even doctors fall ill. Now don't give me that surprised look and please close your gapping mouth.
In fact we are more exposed to sickness and bad energies. I find people even family members commenting callously you are a therapist and you can't even cure your son from autism? Why don't you heal yourself? My answer is this, 'We are not god!"

With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Monday, May 10, 2010

'Starving Yogi' Astounds Indian Scientists

Sterling Hospitals / AFP - Getty Images file

'Starving yogi' astounds Indian scientists

News report by AFP on an 83-year-old Indian holy man who says he has spent 70 years without food or water has astounded a team of military doctors. They conducted a 2 week intensive medical observation on him. Prahlad Jani spent a fortnight in a hospital in the western India state of Gujarat under constant surveillance from a team of 30 medics equipped with cameras and closed circuit television. During the period, he neither ate nor drank and did not go to the toilet.

Did they find an answer to his survival skills? No.
"We still do not know how he survives," neurologist Sudhir Shah told reporters after the end of the experiment. "It is still a mystery what kind of phenomenon this is."
Did they offer an explanation? Yes.
"If Jani does not derive energy from food and water, he must be doing that from energy sources around him, sunlight being one," said Shah.
"As medical practitioners we cannot shut our eyes to possibilities, to a source of energy other than calories."

Wow! That is commendable. To admit that the only possible conclusion is another source of energy. This came from the mouth of a neurologist who is a scientist a medical officer! Surely he will be burn at the stake for such blasphemous comments by the medical fraternity. But you say his conclusion was from scientific, medical observation. So what, anything that goes against the sacred medical teachings of medical science need to be debunk regardless of evidence. Maybe as one Dr.Van Rooyen sarcastically implied, "You can hold a lot of water in those yogi beards. A sneaky yogi for certain," he said. "He MUST take in water." You mean 30 medics with hi-tech CCTV and equipment could not detect a cheat or are they co-conspirators that are willing to lose their medical license for a joke and they missed April the 1st. Another sceptic said, 'He might be hiding a burger under his beard!" Now that would make a good McDonald advertisement. Hello, advert boys -WAKE UP.
So what other energy sources around him can we think of? 'Sunlight' the doctor suggested. No, he did not mean photosynthesis or his skin colour will match the incredible hulk.
The answer is :
We are basically energy beings made up of atoms and vibrating electrons and neutrons. We have a body that is described as bio-electomagnetic. Our brains fire electrical impulses through neurotransmitters that links to networks of electrical pathways. There exist a close circuit energy system 'meridians' in our body that helps our body to function at optimal health. Disturbance of these circuits will disrupt our health system. Energy healers using reiki, qigong, pranic healing, acupuncture and many other new therapies like energy psychology ( have found a faster non invasive form of healing by accessing these meridians. As energy beings we are able to absorb electromagnetic energy around us from the earth's energy field or space which bombards earth with enormous quantities of energy like the sun. There will come a time when medical science will come to 'discover' it and maybe taking credit for it. They may probably attach some other medically bombastic name to disguised it. They are so shy and it takes time to be associated with energy healing. Give them space.
With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Friday, April 2, 2010



My mum came to me with her right index finger unable to close and extend smoothly. It was like a stiff gear shift getting stuck at third or fouth gear. It was funny looking as she could close all her fingers but when she open her fingers the index finger refused to cooperate while the rest extended fully. Sometimes it will flex midway and just gets stuck. This medical condition is call 'trigger finger 'or 'stenosing tenosynovitis ' whiich I will not attempt to pronounce in case I get 'trigger tonque'.

Trigger finger is caused by local swelling from inflammation or scarring around the tendons that normally pull the affected digit inward toward the palm (flexion). Pain can occur at the base of the finger of palm itself. A majority of patients with rheumatoid arthritis have inflammation around the tendons of the palm of the hand that could develop into trigger finger.

I used medical qigong to loosen the tendons by reducing the inflamation from the tip of the affected finger to the base of the palm. After 20 minutes the pain was gone and the finger movement was loosen but there was still occasional stuck movement. The next session the finger could extend without getting stuck but some stiffness came back. After the third session there was no longer stiffness and she could repeatedly close and extend her fingers without problem. The treatment was basically to reduce the swelling so that it no longer 'grips' the finger from extending. Qigong is very impressive when applied for swelling. I had a case when this women came with her left leg swollen all the way to her thigh. After 30 minutes  she could  squat and stand up and her swelling had reduced by 30%.  She soon recovered after 2 sessions but her children did not believe such results were possible even with their mother's testimony. Well I guess seeing is believing (her children did not see her original condition).

My retirement home doctor one day came with his hand partly bandaged. He had a minor surgery for trigger finger. He said  he normally treats his patients with drugs and cortisal injection around the tendons (ouch!) but it did not work for him. When a trigger finger persists after two injections and is not responsive, surgical procedures to ultimately remove the inflamed or scarred tissue are considered. Now you may have a painless option before going for  injections or even surgery - medical qigong! Trigger Happy!

With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Friday, February 26, 2010


What makes the world go round? The economist wills say money, the religious will say god, the philosopher will say our intellect and knowledge but as a therapist I must say it's our emotions. This is because money, religion and knowledge are all rooted in emotions. What emotions are we specifically speaking about? Only two emotions- Fear and Love.

Even though there are hundreds of emotions and another few hundred more sub emotions. Fear and Love are their commanders. Every other emotion is subservient to these two powerful emotions. Money for example invokes tremendous emotional response. People rob and kill for it, why? Money is about feeling secure. Lost of financial security invokes an acute sense of anxiety and helplessness. This fear of insecurity will drive people to commit acts that go beyond logic as it is an emotional response to fears. The Bible rightly says 'The love for money is the root of all evil" and how accurate it is as it identifies emotions (love as in coveting) as the culprit not money itself which has no emotions in itself.

Everything we do is based on fear and love both emotions are as unpredictable and volatile as the floating continental plates that we stand on. The question we should ask ourselves is which of the two most dominates our thoughts and actions for that would create in our mind the world we live in? Note the question is never, 'Are we emotional' for as Dale Carnegie puts it, "When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion". The real undiluted question is 'Are we controlled by fear or love for that will be our world?'

The fearful person will dominate and control as he is constantly afraid of losing control of his own destiny and environment. He wants to know everything that is going on and is often a perfectionist. He needs order and demands it. He wants others to fear him for he controls them by manipulating their fears. He is often the politician and judge. He is the law and lawmaker yet not under its mandate. He is egoistic and selfish but will give generously to gain control. Yet he has a need to experience love for he keeps everyone at arms length emotionally. His personal space is as big as his fears. He fears exposing his need for love (as any human being needs it to be human). It creates a tension that makes personal relationships a roller coaster.

The loving person is subjected to pleasing others before himself. There is a need to nurture and cultivate relationships so as to foster an exchange of love. He is the philosopher and philanthropist. Happiness is found in bringing joy to others. He is an idealist and often initiates ideas and proposal on the spur of the moment without looking for 'What if's'. He jumps on opportunities and relationships. He is intimate and loves to share his personal space. Socially he is warm and open. All this exposes him to lots of bumps which can slow him down and bring him back to earth. He has fears too and it is in not being able to be who he is and not experiencing love. He needs to express himself and fears being stifled by negativism. He is creative and imaginative. His personal relationships are open and expressive. Unless the partner can keep up with him she will feel drain by his enthusiasm, idealism and need for expressive love.

The world is what it is today because of how we allow these two emotions to dominate and colour our lives.
Do you like the world as it is today? You are responsible for what it has become. To bring changes we need to allow love to turn the world not fear. Fear rules the world today. Peace is now maintained at the barrel of a gun. We believe fear must rule to maintain order. The world has become a fearful world and anxious. If the loving person sounds to you like a myth and unreal then we are really in trouble.

By Isaac Lim

Thursday, February 18, 2010



TOM JONES LIVE! IN KL! While I was turning the page in my morning papers these words in bold jump out at me. My involuntary reaction was ‘You mean he is still ALIVE!’ Yes, not only are we able to see him in person we can also ‘Walk ….I mean rock with dinosaurs’. Sorry I did not mean to be rude but after Michael Jackson’s death I am still trying to get over it. It’s not that I idolize them but that they are iconic figures that mark the milestones of my past and as each milestone disappears I feel an unexplained lost of my history a strange detachment from my past childhood days.

Tom Jones is a legend. That itself makes it sound archaic and ancient. I remembered how handsome he looked and that husky deep baritone voice could send woman screaming like banshees for him. Today’s photo of him is that of a shaggy craggy looking man that reminds me of a ship captain. Yet the most important aspect is not his age but his amazing ability to perform for hours to a live audience. You have to be lively on stage in order to keep the live audience alive. What is his secret to eternal youthfulness and that of other singing legends that are still prancing around? How is it that Elvis Pelvis and Micky Jackson (in order to avoid offending any legends and their fans I will not use their real names) did not survive while others like Cliff Riches, Alter John, John Lemon, Rock Stewart did? Do you want to know their secret?

I believe the secret in their ability to survive is in their names or what’s in front of their names. Did you notice that all the living legends are all called ‘SIR’? YES that is the common denominator they have all been knighted and given the title ‘SIR’ (I never thought that Rock Stewart a bad boy could be knighted). Notice that Elvis and Micky were never knighted. I wonder if her majesty uses a magic wand rather than a sword to confer eternal youthfulness. Now you know why she is still alive! Long live the queen.

Isaac Lim (copyrighted)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


There is a qigong exercise that I call the lazy persons qigong. It requires one to sleep on it. Yes just lie down and breath. It is also call the 2-4-2-6 diaphrammatic breathing exercise. It generally increase oxygen flow to the whole body. This results in rejunevation of cells and detox the body. Cancer patients weak and pale from chemo and other treatments will find this exercise amazing as their face will be reddish with a glow within a week. I use it when with the first signs of gout (which I inherited as genetic trait of high uric acid). About 3 times a year it makes me hop about like I was literally stepping on hot coals of fire. But with this exercise I can preempt it before it develops further. It helps with chi and blood circulation to remove the build up of uric acid in my toes. However when I taught my wife this excercise I did not expect another amazing benefit. She was doing it 2-3 times a day. About a week later she said she wanted to show me something.She lifted up her blouse and proudly showed off her .....abs! It was sculptered and firm but don't expect six packs. The fact that previously it was saggy (you know what child birth can do to your figures) and now this WOW! I did not realise this exercise is also good for figures. After the initial results which she proudly showed off to her sisters she continue religiously and now her posture is great when before it was a little haunched and her chest lifted. She looks simply great. We joked how we could teach it to others, "Girls do you want a great figure? Just come to our slimming qigong classes".

I had been driving to Kuala Pilah  every two weeks to visit my daughter in her NS camp. I seldom travel far perhaps once a year for a holiday.The journey takes 4 hours to and fro. At the end of the journey I was like puff out and dead tired. My age is catching up. This morning I was already feeling tired before the journey and decided to do EFT on this tiredness. This anxiety that I may feel tired during the journey and I tapped for not feeling tired but energize. I was so surprised to find myself so energized that when I reached home I even volunteered to cook for the family and after which I did my EFT exam studies on DVD. Normally if I am exhausted I would fall asleep watching those how to videos but not today.WOW! EFT sure is great when you need more energy.

With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Mothers will always be mothers. Their maternal instinct does not end when her child turns 18, flies away from the nest, becomes employed or even find a nice girl and settles down. They still fret and worry anxiously about their children. I have under my care some mothers who are already in their 80's yet they constantly worry about their children who are married and with their own families! Nature can be cruel but I guess without mothers most children would not have survived on their own. We do owe them a great depth of appreciation for all they are willing to give up for the childrens sake.

The problem arise when mothers expects appreciation to be their due. They become sensitive when their children fails to buy them a meal. When the children fails to call them up. When their children fails to visit them as often as they expect. That is when they become angry feeling that they are not appreciated after all the sacrifices they had given. They become resentful and small words becomes big issues as it is interpreted through the lens of ungratefulness.

I had to do EFT for my own mum today as she though my brother wanted her out off the way by asking, 'Are you going back?' From a mole hill she turns it into a pyramid overnight. To achieve what Pharoahs took to accomplish a lifetime she churns her mind and emotion with intrusive angry thoughts the whole night. By morning she is an emotional wreak fuming from the ears and pouring from the eyes with self pity. Physically she was having body pains because of tense muscles and block energies. I had to do EFT on her and within 20 minutes she become more normal followed by qigong. EFT was already able to reduce her physical pain by 80% as it was mostly due to emotions. She said she felt more relax after the session. Her anger was gone replaced by forgiveness. I believe my brother owes me:)

At noon my staff came to me for shoulder pain that extend from right side of her neck to the elbow. She had difficulty sleeping and took pain killers that relieved her for a while. I believe those pain killers from Indonesia contains steroid. She said she was shy to come to me earlier. How people suffer for shyness sake simply beats me. In 10 minutes I healed her with qigong. She had a block nerve in her shoulder that cut off the circulation to her arms and it was cold and clammy to the touch. Why suffer the whole night and morning for shyness sake when you caould rid the pain in 10 minutes?

Isaac Lim

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



I remember Bugs Bunny favourite greetings that came with that bored so-what look. You know , the one with the drooping eyelids and crossed legs complete with carrot munching as he drawl 'Whats' up doc?' Well, plenty is up if you are wondering what I am up to.

Since last September my qigong group of medical practitioners had been visiting a home for the handicapped. Little twisted bodies lie on the floor mat writhing away with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and other deforming diseases. We send energies to these little ones which made them more comfortable and reduce their discomfort and pain. The care givers and workers in the home also benefitted from our compassionate healing. A Bangladeshi man in his 30's stocky and healthy came to me with an injured left elbow. It was painful when I tried bending it. He had difficulty carrying these helpless children since he was involved in a motorbike accident 3-4 months ago.

I scanned his arm and unblock the stuck energy from his shoulder to elbow and sweep it down his hand. I proceeded to energize his elbow feeling for his nerves to respond as it twitch and vibrate. After ten minutes I tested his arm again and he said 'no pain'. He gave me a big grin and the thumbs up. It's nice to be appreciated even if he lacks the verbal skills. His sincerity and gratitude came from his heart which was more eloquent than those who try to flatter you with flowery words.

I also had clients coming to my therapy office with emotional scars. Their physical scars are long gone after corrective surgery but no plastic surgeon could remove the emotional scars in their hearts and mind. After the first EFT session she already reported significant healing and progressing well after each session.

Another interesting case was a women who worked for an international woman aid agency and she had to face women who had terrible traumatic experiences. Unless you have a heart of stone you will be affected by all the horrors they tell you. I had to install an emotional proof vest on her so that she would not be too disturbed as it was affecting her ability to focus on her career and it was giving her nightmares. She felt their pain and I had to also teach her to tap on her collar bone point as she listen to their shocking stories. It neutralizes negative energies from entering her body. Many people think it is okay to pour their bitterness and angst to others who will listen. Little do they realise that some people will feel their pain and while they themselves feel better the other party suffers for hours to come. If they know EFT they could resolve many emotional issues themselves without involving others. Those who possess a caring heart and just could not say no to the troubled soul who must unload their problems on someone could use EFT to neutralize negative energies that are being unloaded by simply tapping on the collarbone point while listening on the phone. The most ideal suggestion is learn EFT the proper way and it is easy to learn . A one day workshop is all you need. Being kind need not be painful.

Isaac Lim