Thursday, February 18, 2010



TOM JONES LIVE! IN KL! While I was turning the page in my morning papers these words in bold jump out at me. My involuntary reaction was ‘You mean he is still ALIVE!’ Yes, not only are we able to see him in person we can also ‘Walk ….I mean rock with dinosaurs’. Sorry I did not mean to be rude but after Michael Jackson’s death I am still trying to get over it. It’s not that I idolize them but that they are iconic figures that mark the milestones of my past and as each milestone disappears I feel an unexplained lost of my history a strange detachment from my past childhood days.

Tom Jones is a legend. That itself makes it sound archaic and ancient. I remembered how handsome he looked and that husky deep baritone voice could send woman screaming like banshees for him. Today’s photo of him is that of a shaggy craggy looking man that reminds me of a ship captain. Yet the most important aspect is not his age but his amazing ability to perform for hours to a live audience. You have to be lively on stage in order to keep the live audience alive. What is his secret to eternal youthfulness and that of other singing legends that are still prancing around? How is it that Elvis Pelvis and Micky Jackson (in order to avoid offending any legends and their fans I will not use their real names) did not survive while others like Cliff Riches, Alter John, John Lemon, Rock Stewart did? Do you want to know their secret?

I believe the secret in their ability to survive is in their names or what’s in front of their names. Did you notice that all the living legends are all called ‘SIR’? YES that is the common denominator they have all been knighted and given the title ‘SIR’ (I never thought that Rock Stewart a bad boy could be knighted). Notice that Elvis and Micky were never knighted. I wonder if her majesty uses a magic wand rather than a sword to confer eternal youthfulness. Now you know why she is still alive! Long live the queen.

Isaac Lim (copyrighted)

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