Thursday, December 31, 2009



Isn't it wonderful! We managed to get rid of 2009 with all its economic bad news. Now we can start with a fresh page and according to all financial guru things can only get better. So with all the fireworks and celebration lets make 2010 a better. No lets rephrase it, lets make it a MUCH better year. Let the healing begin and lets rekindle the joy and love we may have lost or neglected in 2009 and let it glow again in 2010! Another chance to get it right 2010!

Isaac Lim

Saturday, December 26, 2009

EFT Shock waves- Founder Retires with Website Jan.15

EFT Shock waves-Founder Retires with His Website.

It is with sadness that Gary Craig had to retire on Jan.15 2010 having found that EFT had grown bigger than himself. He tried to control it but EFT had grown from a mole hill into a mountain, too heavy for any single person to carry. Yes EFT is now worldwide and the fact that the EFT manual has been translated into 20 languages attests to its international status and popularity. When he generously gave away the free manual little did he realize it would grow by leaps and bounds as the EFT manual was downloaded a million times by people looking for healing in a painful world.

We give him a grand salute for the enormous healing he had given the world. He had made healing into a DIY that really works. It was simple enough for children to tap along and professionals to heal a multitude of clients. What can we say? He should be given the Nobel Prize for bringing healing into the world. Anger and hate vanished. Fears and anxiety dissolved. Dis-ease and disease relieved. Pain and suffering vanquished. All these with a simple tool - your fingers and EFT.
Gary Craig retirement also meant that his website, practitioners listing, forum, huge library of testimonials, certification and educational DVD's would also retire with him. The reason he gave for not maintaining his website is that his name is plastered all over it and therefore open to legal suits if others misuse it.
So where does this leave us? Those who had been my students will be recognised by the EFT Masters group as I had receive certification under two EFT masters Pat Carrington and Peter Graham. They will be the logical organisation to replace Gary as they are made up of the EFT masters Incidentally there are no more than 20 in the world. The reason was that Gary stopped the Masters program only after a short stint. So unlike healing groups like Reiki and Qigong where there are an abundance of masters and even grandmasters EFT has officially only 20 certified masters world wide.
On my part I will be reviewing my website to cater for these changes. I believe EFT will from Jan.15 onward grow into a more varied therapy under meridian tapping and many branches growing out off it. EFT will evolved now that there is no more lease as Gary Craig had been resisting 'changes'. I see exciting times ahead a new horizon to explore.
With Blessings
Isaac Lim

Friday, October 23, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine Too Risky?

We are placing our lives in the hands of people who are under pressure to produce a H1N1 vaccine at an unprecented pace. Politicians and businessman are pushing for it. Will it cause more autism producing a generation of disabled that had reached epidemic proportion 1:250! Or will those zombie movies become reality when something goes drastically wrong while trying to save mankind. Looked at what happen to Desiree Jenning after taking a NORMAL flu shot!

Isaac Lim

Monday, October 12, 2009

How TO Be A Hero In Case Of A Robbery

How To Be A Hero In Case Of A Robbery.

It was a warm afternoon when Mr DIY (that's what I like to be known) tried to screw on an over priced door bell button on the outside wall of my office. A visitor who was also a doctor exited through my gate and noticing my labourious effort asked if vandals might get to my doorbell (I wish some people will keep their opinions to themselves). As he walked away a motorbike approached and the pinion rider jump down waving a 'parang' machete. He placed it at the doctors throat and demanded his wallet. The doctor was so terrified that he fell down and tried to shield himself with his hands. The robber was getting impatient and was threatening to chop him. I quickly jump forward (think superman indestructible) and shouted don't chop and told the doctor to quickly hand over his wallet (does that make me an accomplice?). The robber grabbed it and suddenly it dawn on me that I would be the next target. I took wings (not superman but chicken little)and closed the gate behind me and the robber seeing this jump on to the waiting motorbike and sped off.

It was a traumatic experience but it ended with no serious injury. On hind sight I realised that by being a hero intervening while holding only a 10cm screwdriver was really foolish as the robber was holding a 90cm machete! (Talk about size does count). I also felt like a coward because I abandon the doctor and fled behind the gate. It was like from hero to zero! Using EFT I had to tapped on being a foolish hero and a clever coward after all I could have been chopped up and robbed.

I offered to do EFT therapy on the traumatised doctor but he said he was OK. I know he is NOT but why argue. He was more worried about his lost documents. The next day he could only limp as one of his knee had become painfully swollen due to a twisted knee. His adrenaline rush had pumped enough endorphine for him not to feel pain but the next day was a different story as his hormones settled down. His knee will probably recover in 2 weeks but I have a feeling the trauma of being rob at machete point will not. I could also help him recover from his knee injury much faster with Qigong but being a western train doctor he is probably ignorant and sceptical- too bad for him. I know there are many robbery and snatch thief victims out there who will certainly benefit from EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques. If you are one of them do visit

Isaac Lim

Saturday, August 22, 2009


BEWARE OF H1N1!!! It's infectious or is it contagious? Actually it's malicious. I mean how could anything so small as a virus be so nefarious. Like a chameleon it takes on the identity of bird flu ,swine flu and human flu virus so that our human biology welcomes it like a long lost son. It seems this virus was mix in a living cauldron - a creature that will eat anything - variously known as the pig, swine or the rather dignified scientific name Sus scrofa domesticus.

Intially the H1N1 influenza was called 'swine flu' but soon the meat exporting industry were up in arms as it would give the false impression that consuming pork could cause H1N1. There is also the sensitive religious connotation that getting infected with swine flu would make one not 'halal' as pigs are forbidden by Muslims as not 'halal' or lawful and unclean and so unsuitable to be eaten let alone infected. H1N1 sounds so much more politically correct. I mean why blame it on the poor defenceless creature whom most of the world loves. Bacon and eggs anyone?

But the simple fact is that it has invaded the world in an extraordinary short time - within 3 months! The last count was 138 countries and still counting. We don't need aliens from outer space to invade the earth when we have H1N1 virus doing a much more effective job of world wide invasion. If I recalled in H.G Wells 'War of the Worlds" it was virus that killed the aliens and stopped dead their invasion of earth (not the Brad Pitt version). It started in Mexico and they were only alerted by the unusual number of death among flu patients. It attacks the lungs and soon it become inflamed and flooded by mucous. Soon the patient struggles to breath and dies drowning in their own mucuos. This horrifying and not so scientific explanation of the symptoms of pneumonia is to tell it as it is. H1N1 does not kill per se but cause secondary bacterial infections so that 9 out of every 10 deaths are due to pneumonia complications. describes it medically:
What Is Pneumonia?
Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection of the lungs most commonly caused by a bacteria or virus. Pneumonia can also be caused by inhaling vomit or other foreign substances.
In all cases, the lungs' air sacs fill with pus , mucous, and other liquids and cannot function properly. This means oxygen cannot reach the blood and the cells of the body.

That did not sound pretty either. So if deaths are due to pneumonia it is only logical to be vaccinated for it. Another more compelling reason is that H1N1 vaccination is still not in production and certainly will not be able to meet the world demand. Production will not be able to beat the dateline for the second wave of H1N1 which if history repeats itself will be deadly. In the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 40 million died in a little over a year! Those who died were fine healthy people without preexisting disease or are high risk groups that we say are more vulnerable. It is only logical that we take the preventive pneumonia vaccine. The cheaper Pneumo 23 is effective enough . A Karen Lee puts it squarely when she wrote:

Studies have shown that 30% of H1N1 pneumonia related deaths are due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Getting yourself vaccinated means you have eliminated 30% of the possible risk of dying from H1N1 pneumonia.Of course, that does not mean you will not get H1N1 but at least you will not die of it… that’s what everyone would prefers. It’s really not about afraid of getting H1N1, it’s more about dying from it……..

While the scientific community argues about its efficacy there is no harm in taking the vaccine as it is very safe with only very minor side effects.

"Unfortunately, I think too much emphasis has been placed on inappropriate administration of [the antiviral drug] Tamiflu, which has its own side effects and, aside from that, may create resistance," said Dr. Len Horovitz, a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. "Most of my pulmonary patients are already getting [Pneumovax], but I am broadening my recommendation to other patients, since it is such a relatively harmless thing to do.",0,6872284.story
But preliminary results presented to the CDC vaccine committee in June by Dr. Matthew R. Moore, a CDC medical epidemiologist, indicated that about 40% of swine-flu-related pneumonia had an unknown cause -- and that about 30% were caused by S. pneumoniae. This suggests that at least a third of flu-related pneumonia deaths could be prevented by vaccination.

Virologists are concerned with three aspects of any influenza virus: (1) novelty, (2) transmissibility, (3) lethality. The current H1N1 is novel, that is, we have no antibodies to this strain. Its transmissibility is high but its lethality (percent who die after infection) is still low, except in Mexico. Why it was so lethal in Mexico, no one knows. Will that lethality return as the virus mutates this summer?

I leave you to ponder your next step as Margeret Chan of WHO warn 'Be prepared for the next wave'. ...'We cannot say for certain whether the worst is over or the worst is yet to come.'

She sounds like a prophetess of doom. Her words just sent shivers down my spine 'the worst is yet to come'! As far as I and my family are concern we have some defence having already taken the pneumo 23 jab. Here is my real life account of what it was like.

The doctor open a styrofoam box and packed between two ice packs were 7 nos vaccines each costing US42.60 (Rm.150) . He unpacked one of the vaccines and out came the tiniest syringe I have ever seen preloaded with the vaccine. I was actually relieved that the syringe was so minuiture for that would mean the pain would also be minute and I was right. Just a pin prick on my arm , but my wife and her sister said it was painful. I noted that both were less fleshy and perhaps they were tense while I actually laughed through the whole thing. No, I am not being macho just that laughter releases endophine that kills pain as the laughing therapist I should know. Any side effects my sister in law asked? The good doctor replied ' Just some swelling and itching on the arm maybe slight fever for 1 or 2 days.

The following day my arm was painful and there was swelling and redness about 55mm diameter across where the jab was. On the second night I experienced chills and bodyaches but no fever , recovered the following day. When I inquired I found that the others only experienced very slight swelling and itching and nothing else! They got off lightly while macho man had to suffer. Talk about payback time.

Other than the vaccination I had bought small 60ml pocket size hand sanitizers for my whole family. To save cost I also bought a large 720ml bottle to refill the 60ml ones. Those things are like magic you only need to apply a small amount of gel, rub your hands togather and presto it's dry and germ free! No soap, no water just more money. They are not cheap and the pharmacies are jacking up the prices and making a killing but fortunately more players are coming in and with competition it gets cheaper. I must warn you of side effects. Ladies my wife say her hands gets too dry. Man especially teetoller I noticed that after using it 6 times in as many hours I get a little light headed after all it is alcohol based! Children don't drink drink it! Everyone make sure you rub until dry before rubbing your eyes with your hands. IT BURNS LIKE HELL! Ask my wife, she had a scratch on her hands and she almost used the fire extinguiher on it.

Face mask are good if those coughing sneezing idiots will wear it. Instead they literary gush out virus laden droplets at us forcing us to wear face mask instead! Yes those with virus are suppose to wear it but because they don't they terrorize poor frighten people like us into wearing these suffocating masks. I used the 3M mask bought it an inflated price Rm 7 a piece! There are more comfortable ones but they give little protection and of little use unless you plan to rob a bank.

Finally, if you believe in God pray that the second wave is not deadly or God help us all.

With Blessings

Isaac Lim

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I had always looked at Michael Jackson and felt a sense of pity for him and that was before
I knew about his abused past. While the world is in mourning for him I must say that they
should have done that even before he died for in some way a part of him had already died.
In his explosive interview he spoke of how as the Jackson 5 singing brothers they were
violently attacked with a belt if they even made a single dance step mistake.
Their mother will cry out in vain, 'Stop, stop you will kill them!'
Michael were so traumatized that until today the mere appearance of his father will
cause him to vomit and fall unconscious. The father was a taskmaster who literally
whipped them into shape. While the world enjoyed the talent of Jacksons little did they
know how they were deprived of freedom and their childhood as they were made to sing
in bars and sleazy clubs even at 3am in the morning. The result of years of abused was a
person who did not want to grow up because he did not want to miss his childhood.
He became as someone described a strange Peter Pan surrounded by children and in his
Neverland ranch playground. It was an amusement park and zoo all roll into one.
He bused children to his Paradise because he said he never had the opportunity to play with children.
The problem was people could not understand him and he was called 'wacko', 'alien' and accused of many things. Nobody could fathom the little child trapped in an adult body.

As a therapist and if he was still alive I would need to help the little boy out of his trapped state. I would need to removed the stuck energy that is still in his body as is so evident in the interview the trauma was being reexperienced by him. He needs to be released from it with the 'Movie technique'. His fathers terrifying presence needed to be reframed. As a side note his fathers face reminds me of Joseph Smith who abuse his daughter and kept her and the resultant children in a dungeon for years. Michael took a lot of painkillers that finally killed the pain and him. His pain was more emotional than physical and that is why no amount of pills could still his torment. Poor Michael Jackson, he was driven by pain all his life and now he has hopefully found relief.

Isaac Lim

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I have heard so much about this infectious form of therapy spreading from India to the rest of the world that I had to experience it myself when it came to my part of the world. Unlike H1N1 which WHO has said is unstoppable and yet is trying to stop it (by isolating every visitor with even a hint of fever) this laughter therapy is welcome anywhere in the world. I have viewed it on youtube and all I can say is - It's CRAZY! What self respecting person would be caught laughing out loud in public with eyes open wide and tongues sticking out at another person? However being name laughing yoga in India , laughing qigong in China and laughter therapy elsewhere does make it sound respectable... I think. So I decide to do something crazy in the name of health- attend laughter therapy in a park.
It was a wet but cooler Sunday evening when I arrived at the park. I forgot to change my formal leather shoes to jogging shoes and that meant exposing my Rm.250 shoes to mud and what not. We had to use umbrellas as it was still drizzling which was fine with me as I could hide my face from what I heard was a local newspaper reporter with a bazooka for a camera in our midst.I certainly did not want my face in the news with tongues sticking out and laughing like crazy. I mean there are better ways of getting famous like being in the obituary. I did bring a cap and false mustache just in case.
However I need not worry as it turn out that there were also about 100 crazy guys like me willing to laugh in the rain. There is some truth in the saying that 'there is comfort in the company of fools'.
We found an open space next to a nearby hospital (SJMC) and the laugh leader said this will bring cheer to the doctors and patients when they hear our laughter. I was a little bit sceptical about that prognosis maybe we will be mistaken as patients from the psychiatric department having a day out at the park. I am a little self conscious but really its not everyday we do this.
Forming a circle our esteem laugh leader explained the scientific rationale of laugh therapy and it's origin. Laughter not only boost our oxygen level but releases good hormones like endorphin and others that keeps us healthy and stress free. The only warning is if you have a serious heart condition you may laugh yourself to death. Wow! that was reassuring. We had a some warm up because laughing without it can cause belly cramps and lock jaws. Wow! that was reassuring. I should note that before I burst out laughing the next time.
Forming a circle we were taught how to laugh and look silly. There were several techniques. We learn the lion laughter even though I can't recall hearing lions laugh before. We widen our eyes, stuck out our tongues and held our hands out like claws and laughed. Try doing that and you will understand when I say I never realise laughing is hard work. We did the 'teh tarik' laughter that is an imaginary tea making process which I enjoyed and ended up with appreciation laughter to God, self and each other. I though that was good. How often have we stumbled trying to sound appreciative like ' I like your funny dress' instead we can just say I ho,ho,ha,ha you' while smiling and giving them the thumbs up, shaking hands or hugging. With all the merriment I forgot all about H1N1 and avoiding close contacts. Well, laughing therapy is suppose to be healthy so what!
Isaac Lim

Friday, April 17, 2009


BLUSHING PROBLEM? TRY SURGERY! As I read this article in disbelief I had to remind myself that I am not reading a horror story but a medical article published in the local newspaper. There are some people who are suffering from acute blushing problem even at the mere mention of their names. This makes them conspicuously self-conscious (like light bulb lighting up in a crowd). It leads to more blushing and eventually social anxiety that makes them want to avoid people. Medical science had come up with a wonderful breakthrough in solving blushing issues by surgically removing the sweat regulating gland and presto no more blushing! Wow, medical science sure knows how to solve man’s most basic problem just ‘cut it off’. Do I sound sarcastic? Well not to the red face victims but to the scalpel happy surgeons who ought to learn to blush. It seems that the cure will have a little side effect like having to change your clothes six times a day because you see the sweat regulating glands had been removed, remember?

Imagine going to office lugging a baggage with you because you have to have six changes of clothes. Your colleagues will envy you as you will look like a fashion model coming out with a new change of clothes at breakfast, tea beak, lunch, coffee break, toilet break and whatever excuse you can find to make a quick change, like superman perhaps until they shake your hands and it feels like you handed them a wet fish. Imagine your boss requesting you to get some documents on the next floor and you come back looking like you got drenched in the rain but that’s okay since you can’t blush anymore. If these does not cause social anxiety what does?

All these make me more certain that complementary and alternative therapies like EFT that does not depend on chemicals and surgeries are the way to better health. Emotional Freedom Techniques gently and effective resolves many issues like blushing issues. My experience with this issue is that they originates from childhood and once I have resolved the root cause the blushing problem is removed or diminished. One of my patients told me how a psychologist told him to get a dark tan to solve his blushing problem because then no one can see him blushing! He had to sit on a chair under the hot sun to get a tan. When he met him the next time he was told off for not achieving a darker tan. Medical science is so good at ‘covering up’ or ‘cutting out ‘to resolve our health issues instead of going into the root cause of the problem. To be fair the article at the end has a caveat that say blushing problems is psychological and should first be resolved with medications or psychotherapy but here are happy patients going around without their sweat regulating glands and with burn out light bulbs. If EFT can resolve it without 'covering up' and 'cutting out' why not try it or better still learn EFT! However do give time as some patients demand to be healed in one or two sessions even though they had been suffering from the problems for 10 to 20 years. are blushing!
Isaac Lim

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Exotic Valentine Day

For Valentine Day I bought a Phalaenopsis for my wife. No, it's not a pet dinosaur it's an orchid. An ORCHID! You must be thinking I am nuts and saying, 'Valentines give beautiful roses to their lovers, not some prehistoric sounding orchid!' Now hold on it's no ordinary orchid in fact it's really exotic. The sales girl told me so. Ok ,she said it came from Holland. Now that is exotic, imagine orchids from the land of tulips what could be more exotic than that. I mean shouldn't orchids come from Malaysia or some exotic rainforest? Mind you it was not only the name and origin that was exotic it even looks exotic. It has this creamy white pastel flowers with tinges of scalet and large round petals. The sales girl say it looks like a 'moth'! I must diagree with her on this point. I think it more like pretty butterflies . Some salesgirl she turn out to be. Does she want to sell it or not? I mean it does come with an exotic price tag rm.108 that's USD 29.70. Then she started talking my language something that man understands it's call practicality. 'You only need to water it once a week and the bloom will last a month or more!' Wow, what gardener wouldn't die for plants like that. Low mileage and low maintainance plants. She continued, 'It is an indoor plant and do not need direct sunlight even indoor lights will do'. Now she is talking. I have always believed that beautiful plants should be accessible anywhere. Why should we have to slap on sun tan lotions just because we want to admire some plants? It's hot sweaty work to do gardening under the tropical sun. Now here is a plant that has jump the evolutionary grapevine and decided to stay indoors like all civilised human beings, now that is what I call a house train plant. My wife will simply love it!
My wife did love it. She said ' If I were you I would not buy it it is simply too expensive.' My romantic reply was 'Nothing is too expensive for you dear.' Noting that a dozen roses would have set me back USD 40 but that is not why I did not not buy roses. How can we say 'My love for you is forever', when the roses you give her will wilt and die in 3 days! I cannot understand that type of love.
I google for Phalaenopsis and printed a set of instructions for her
That's when I found out it was not so exotic but rather common in certain countries.
'Phalaenopsis orchids are among the most popular orchids world wide and can be found in numerous homes, offices and hotels. These orchids are native to Asia and northern Australia. In Asia, they grow from the Himalayan Mountains to the Philippine Islands.'
Anyway she loves plants and it's a novelty to have a plant that 'hates to get it's feet wet'.
Isaac Lim
Happy Valentine.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Speed Healing For Slipped Disc

At 9.30pm just two days before CNY I had an emergency call from my sister in law. She was in panicky state as she was unable to move or feel her right leg. It seems she was walking down the stairs when she heard a crack sound and suddenly her right leg went numb and limp. She sat on the stairs wondering if she had just suffered a stroke but her arms and head were fine only her right leg had gone limp. Her daughter brought her to my therapy room. She got off the car with a rolling walking frame her right leg was dragging behind her with the foot twisted at 90 degrees.

I asked a diagnostic questioned, did she squat down or carry any heavy objects before the incident. She replied she was squatting for 30 minutes washing clothes in the bathroom. Whammy I got my answer! I use Qigong to scan her back vertebrae with my hands and felt blockage at the lumbar area. I unblock and sweep each time she said her right leg experience an intense sour pain. This confirmed my suspicion it was a slip disc at the lumbar area as moving the chi in that area cause sciatica pain (radiating pain with or without numbness) behind her knee. After energizing each vertebrae I proceeded to pull the blocked energy from the sole of her feet and flushing it out by sending energy from her feet to her spine and out again through her sole. She experience some slight pain but it begin to diminished as I continued until it was gone. I finish off by energizing her knees.

I told her to test it , she stood up now with less pain and her foot was now straightened. She could now shuffle about. Treatment time one hour.

Follow-up treatment of 30 minutes the next morning helped her to walk without her frame. The numbness had been reduced considerable . After the 3rd and 4th treatment she was almost back to normal except for some pulling pain beside her knee which I worked on. She was very happy and relieved over her quick recovery but I warn her not to squat or carry any heavy objects. I told her if she were to go for conservative western medical treatment they would locate the problem with MRI scan and pump her full of painkillers as all they could do was allow the herniated disc swelling to reduced in size naturally which would take an average 6-8 weeks even with regular physio. If this fails after 8 weeks they will consider operating.

The following extract from a medical article on slipped disc will confirm this conservative medical procedure:

A review of your medical history and a few simple physical tests may be all it takes to determine whether you have a herniated disk, wrote Dr S. Craig Humphreys and Dr Jason C. Eck in their article, Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Options for Herniated Lumbar Disc.
“Usually, about 80% of patients complain of acute lower back pain, or buttock pain on one side with sciatica (radiating pain with or without numbness) of one leg (pain going down the side of the thigh and leg, involving the foot),” said Dr Siow Yew Siong, a spine surgeon practising in a local private hospital.

The remaining 20% would have lower back pain with radiation into both buttocks without lower limb (legs) involvement, he added.

Further tests like MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computerised tomography) scan may help your doctor confirm the diagnosis or locate the location of the injury.
Conservative treatment still first-line
Fortunately for herniated disks, surgery is not required most of the time to treat the condition.

“In most cases, if a patient’s lower back and/or leg pain is going to resolve after a lumbar herniated disc, it will do so within about six weeks. While waiting to see if the disc will heal on its own, several conservative treatment options can help reduce the back pain, leg pain and discomfort caused by the herniated disc,” wrote in its own Overview of Lumbar Herniated Disc...

Ninety percent of the time, patients can be helped by (conservative treatment such as) paravertebral injections, epidural injections with cortisone, medication and physiotherapy, he added.

In Dr Siow’s experience, about 70% of patients with slipped disks will recover irrespective of whether treatment is sought. The remaining 30% will generally suffer from pain if not treated.

This provides us with a comparison between complementary and conservative treatment procedure and effectiveness. However in no way am I saying conservative treatment does not work but waiting for natural healing while covering up the pain with drugs is not as good as speeding up the natural process of healing with Qigong.

With Blessings

Isaac Lim

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year - Beating the Crisis Head on!.

With this ox-spicious season I would like to greet all who are celebrating.

A Happy, Healthy, Blessed Chinese New Year of the OX.

1Ti 5:18 Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that tread out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.'

The Ox, symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. The Ox is stable and persevering. The typical Ox is tolerant yet with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness that the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task. Ox work hard without complaints. When it hits a rough patch while ploughing they work harder. They know that they will succeed through hard work and sustained efforts. Are we more ox like in character?

I feel that the ox is the perfect symbolism for how we need to move head on (pun intended) with the challenges of this year with all it's economic and social turmoil stampeding towards us. Yes, we have to meet it head on and lock horns with the crisis that is unfolding before our eyes. It's not going to be pretty but we will survive. Maybe a little trampled but we just need to dust off and start again that is how resilient man are having survived attempted self destruction in WWI & II. So lets talk about how we are going to bounce back like a squash ball (pun not intended).
Everyone else is talking about economic doomsday, from the soothsayer to the academician. Everyday the same 'you are going to get it' prophecy are being drilled into our mind. They are feeding us with a lot of bullshit. Excuse my language but I believe that is how we should categorize anything that cause us anxieties and worries. So I am going to buck the trend (pun intended). I am going to give positive vibes about our future and made us feel confident about overcoming anything -just throw it at us but please not the shoes! Did you say there is an economic tsunami coming this way? Well just get the surf board and have some fun. We are going to get a free ride! Did you say we are going to lose our jobs or asked to take an indefinite leave? Well pack your bags its time we get a long overdue holiday. Lots of budget holidays in Malaysia just don't follow the crowd

Yes, Obama is going to save the world. After all he only needs to do the opposite of what Bush did. Mr.Bush you had made his job is too easy. Asian countries will recover faster than the rest of the world because they do not believe in sinking with the USDollarship. The dollar is going extinct as it is going all out to printed itself out of existence perhaps it should come in toilet rolls packs its easier to dispense, so what, just get yourself infected with yellow fever and join the gold rush.
Hey I seems to be on the roll here. I believe I can do better that those Harvard train economist who are already putting on their life jacket. Let them jump ship it will certainly lighten the boat. I hope you are all getting the idea about facing the economic challenge with optimism instead of pessimism. So happy mooing and don't forget about the holiday you deserve.
Isaac Lim

Monday, January 12, 2009

So What's For Lunch?

Let's talk about my favourite subject-FOOD! My daughter noted that when I came out from the digital mall (another favourite of mine) which had a new restaurant I was grinning from ear to ear. Food sure does something to me and it is not just eating it. The mere sight of a succulent piece of roast rib or the shiny egg white glaze of pastries does something to my pituitary gland. It's like the sight of food had send a huge electrical surge that shock circuited my pituitary gland to release huge loads of endorphin to switch on the silly grin on my face. I am so easy to please.Do you know that the word 'endo-phine' actually means 'like a morphine'. Food does gives us a high but that is not the reason why they call certain food events 'high tea' if that question did pop up in your head.

Who was it that said those immortal words, " The way into a man's heart is through his stomach." She must have seen the same silly grin which inspired her to write those immortal words. Not to appear sexist I suggest it works on both gender. I believe that some woman are also affected by food in the same way. Now, what about Mona Lisa's immortal smile? Hmmm, I wonder. Was there a plate of Dunking doughnuts beside Leonardo's paint brushes?

Whenever I carry out therapy for weight lost one of the most important issues I had to deal with is 'comfort food'. One of my clients had to have a thick cup of chocolate beverage several times a day. She had to have it even though she was not hungry. I asked her since when did she had this habit she answered that since she was a child her mother would without fail bring her a delicious hot cup of chocolate beverage in her room. Her mother was concern that she might become hungry in the night. She recalled vividly how the warm sweet drink soothingly flowed down her throat and left a nice warm glow to her tummy. It was to her the feelings of her mother's concern and love. I believe she felt this each time she drinks it even now. This is called 'comfort food'. To deal with comfort food I had to change her perception about food. As I carried out EFT therapy on her I said 'Love is not in the drink, love comes from your mother and not from a cup.' How often we think food can meet our emotional needs and we indulge in it only to find out love is not there.When we are stressed, angry, depressed we turn to food that carries an emotional feel good attachment and wolf it or gulp it down. The next time you feel like a food binge see if there is a person behind the food that you would rather talk to for comfort or try EFT.

Isaac Lim

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Prophets of Doom and Writings on the Walls.

He strokes his graying beard. His head deeply bowed over some scattered ancient texts and paraphernalia. He then muttered some incomprehensible words and shook his head wisely. When he looked up at us we could see concern written all over his face. Then with bated breath we hear the sage's prophetic words, 'The economy will be very bad. Evil forces will come like a bear in the middle of the year and tear down our economy. Many will lose their jobs, cars and houses. Save your money do not start any new business or expand. Be very very careful of the bear." We were stunt. How did he know all that? "He's a sage that how and we must listen to this wise sage or we will suffer bad things'' exclaim Mr.Chan.

Today we are faced with many 'wise' economist acting like the sage. They predict doom and gloom to every economy in the world. Their mantra that 'Cash is king so don't give it away' had made credit financing inaccessible. Many Mr.Chans are listening to him and had stop all spending and future projects. The result is cash flow has slowed down to a trickle. No financing for projects and credits for business. Jobs become unavailable and existing ones uncertain. Yes ,the 'wise' sage was correct but only because it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. The sage made the prophecy, the Mr.Chans unwittingly carried it out and kazoom! We have a world wide economic recessions. Well done everyone.

But you protest "It was America's fault"."They were too greedy and bust the bubble". Well I have news for you America is blaming the East for accumulating so much savings (unlike them) that it cause a huge trade deficit and you know how this tempted them to transgress the moral barrier of financial honesty. So now the East is as much to blame as the West. Well done everyone.

Now I want you all to step back and see the actual problem from EFT's perspective. All of us have what Gary Craig the founder of EFT call 'writings on our mind's walls'. I don't mean graffiti or vandalism but it has the same effect. Graffiti are written by people from outside the buildings. Similarly 'writings on our walls' are put there by other people like our parents, pastors, professors and other influential personalities.
Graffiti changes the image of the building and it's writing just 'shouts' to be heard. Similarly the 'writing's on our mind's walls' distort and influence the way we think and experiences life.

I had a client who could not find much success in life and was generally uninspiring even to his own wife and family and they treated him as a nobody as a result he had a poor self image. He came to me to remove blocks to his financial success. In the process of therapy I found out that his mother had often reprimanded him for attempting anything new with these words, 'Don't try anything new it is always safer to stick to what you know best or you will fail'. These are 'writing on his walls' courtesy of his mother and written in bold lettering so that throughout his life he avoided taking risk or venturing into greener pastures because 'you will fail'. The end result is he got nowhere in life!

What are the writings on your walls? 'Rich people are greedy' and so you don't want to be rich because people will think you are greedy? 'Boys should not cry' and so is that the reason you never shed a tear at your mother's funeral? If you find yourself doing something that is against what you want, perhaps, there are writings on your walls influencing your better judgment.Like the sage predicting a calamity and the Mr.Chan acting it out. It needs to be removed and EFT can do just that. Let's tap away the economic gloom and bring the sunshine and laughter back into our lives. If you are thinking 'Hang on, things are not that simple'. Hmmm, I wonder if there are 'writings on your walls!'

Isaac Lim