How To Be A Hero In Case Of A Robbery.
It was a warm afternoon when Mr DIY (that's what I like to be known) tried to screw on an over priced door bell button on the outside wall of my office. A visitor who was also a doctor exited through my gate and noticing my labourious effort asked if vandals might get to my doorbell (I wish some people will keep their opinions to themselves). As he walked away a motorbike approached and the pinion rider jump down waving a 'parang' machete. He placed it at the doctors throat and demanded his wallet. The doctor was so terrified that he fell down and tried to shield himself with his hands. The robber was getting impatient and was threatening to chop him. I quickly jump forward (think superman indestructible) and shouted don't chop and told the doctor to quickly hand over his wallet (does that make me an accomplice?). The robber grabbed it and suddenly it dawn on me that I would be the next target. I took wings (not superman but chicken little)and closed the gate behind me and the robber seeing this jump on to the waiting motorbike and sped off.
It was a traumatic experience but it ended with no serious injury. On hind sight I realised that by being a hero intervening while holding only a 10cm screwdriver was really foolish as the robber was holding a 90cm machete! (Talk about size does count). I also felt like a coward because I abandon the doctor and fled behind the gate. It was like from hero to zero! Using EFT I had to tapped on being a foolish hero and a clever coward after all I could have been chopped up and robbed.
I offered to do EFT therapy on the traumatised doctor but he said he was OK. I know he is NOT but why argue. He was more worried about his lost documents. The next day he could only limp as one of his knee had become painfully swollen due to a twisted knee. His adrenaline rush had pumped enough endorphine for him not to feel pain but the next day was a different story as his hormones settled down. His knee will probably recover in 2 weeks but I have a feeling the trauma of being rob at machete point will not. I could also help him recover from his knee injury much faster with Qigong but being a western train doctor he is probably ignorant and sceptical- too bad for him. I know there are many robbery and snatch thief victims out there who will certainly benefit from EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques. If you are one of them do visit http://www.eftwonder.com/.
Isaac Lim
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