He strokes his graying beard. His head deeply bowed over some scattered ancient texts and paraphernalia. He then muttered some incomprehensible words and shook his head wisely. When he looked up at us we could see concern written all over his face. Then with bated breath we hear the sage's prophetic words, 'The economy will be very bad. Evil forces will come like a bear in the middle of the year and tear down our economy. Many will lose their jobs, cars and houses. Save your money do not start any new business or expand. Be very very careful of the bear." We were stunt. How did he know all that? "He's a sage that how and we must listen to this wise sage or we will suffer bad things'' exclaim Mr.Chan.
Today we are faced with many 'wise' economist acting like the sage. They predict doom and gloom to every economy in the world. Their mantra that 'Cash is king so don't give it away' had made credit financing inaccessible. Many Mr.Chans are listening to him and had stop all spending and future projects. The result is cash flow has slowed down to a trickle. No financing for projects and credits for business. Jobs become unavailable and existing ones uncertain. Yes ,the 'wise' sage was correct but only because it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. The sage made the prophecy, the Mr.Chans unwittingly carried it out and kazoom! We have a world wide economic recessions. Well done everyone.
But you protest "It was America's fault"."They were too greedy and bust the bubble". Well I have news for you America is blaming the East for accumulating so much savings (unlike them) that it cause a huge trade deficit and you know how this tempted them to transgress the moral barrier of financial honesty. So now the East is as much to blame as the West. Well done everyone.
Now I want you all to step back and see the actual problem from EFT's perspective. All of us have what Gary Craig the founder of EFT call 'writings on our mind's walls'. I don't mean graffiti or vandalism but it has the same effect. Graffiti are written by people from outside the buildings. Similarly 'writings on our walls' are put there by other people like our parents, pastors, professors and other influential personalities.
Graffiti changes the image of the building and it's writing just 'shouts' to be heard. Similarly the 'writing's on our mind's walls' distort and influence the way we think and experiences life.
I had a client who could not find much success in life and was generally uninspiring even to his own wife and family and they treated him as a nobody as a result he had a poor self image. He came to me to remove blocks to his financial success. In the process of therapy I found out that his mother had often reprimanded him for attempting anything new with these words, 'Don't try anything new it is always safer to stick to what you know best or you will fail'. These are 'writing on his walls' courtesy of his mother and written in bold lettering so that throughout his life he avoided taking risk or venturing into greener pastures because 'you will fail'. The end result is he got nowhere in life!
What are the writings on your walls? 'Rich people are greedy' and so you don't want to be rich because people will think you are greedy? 'Boys should not cry' and so is that the reason you never shed a tear at your mother's funeral? If you find yourself doing something that is against what you want, perhaps, there are writings on your walls influencing your better judgment.Like the sage predicting a calamity and the Mr.Chan acting it out. It needs to be removed and EFT can do just that. Let's tap away the economic gloom and bring the sunshine and laughter back into our lives. If you are thinking 'Hang on, things are not that simple'. Hmmm, I wonder if there are 'writings on your walls!'
Isaac Lim
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