Friday, December 5, 2008

Case of Swollen Leg Healed.

I have decided to blog my therapy case as many do not know how I treat my patients. Actually I treat them very well thank you. Just joking:) I have below a case description in this rather clinical format rather than a novel because I can be rather long winded but if you prefer novel I don't mind doing it.

Case: 30/11/08 from the Therapy Room

Patient :
46 years old female with history of leg problem. Started 3 years ago seen doctors who gave pain killers. She later when on SNE supplements which had recently discontinued due to government regulations. This has resulted in her rheumatism flaring again.

She came limping and unable to stand up from a sitting position due to intense pain.
She complain of pain from the knee radiating to her whole leg. Her whole thigh from knee up was 30% swollen.

Applied Medical Qigong treatment. Scan leg and found blockage at lower leg area. Unblock and sweep leg and purged from feet. Leg swelling visibly reduced. Continued with energizing at knee area. Patient reported less pain told her to test by sitting and standing. Able to do so repeatedly with little pain. She indicated the back of her knee has some pulling sensation. I purge leg again and energize. Complete treatment by balancing her meridian for better blood circulation.

Patient leg pain had been considerable reduced and no longer limping. Her swelling was reduced to 10% and was attested by her family members who were present. Told her to return for second session in 3 days time. Total treatment time-30minutes.

Follow up:
Today 1 week after first session. She came walking well. Her swelling was gone and her only complain was some knee pain in the same leg and pulling nerves behind her knee. Scan and found blockage at feet unblocked and energize knee. Cleared her spine and hip for better circulation of chi. Result - No more pain. Told her to return only if there is pain. Time:-30 minutes.

Therapist-Isaac Lim

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