Monday, July 25, 2011

Horror Stories- Bald spots, Grey Hairs, Acne and Ugly Nails.

Horror Stories- Bald spots, Grey Hairs, Acne and Ugly Nails.

Bald Spots
Maureen was 32 year old sales executive. Her job meant long hours and meeting clients all over the world. She not only had to be meticulous in her job but also in her appearance. One morning while grooming herself in front of  a hotel room mirror she was horrified to notice that she had a bald spot on top of her head. It was not just less hair but an ugly bald spot where no hair grew. 
She immediately made an appointment with a dermatologist. In the questionnaires to be filled there were questions about her stress levels. Dermatologists know that stress can cause hair to fall out. Many people think it is age related or some kind of skin infections and will visit a doctor for medication. Others will try different on-the-shelves hair tonic, restorer and other claims of hair growth ointment or shampoo. But few think it is stress related and go to the wrong practitioners. Stress increases cortisol production which increase oil secretions in the skin Men and women can develop alopecia -- bald spots of hair in the beard or scalp -- when they're under stress.
Nervous habits like twirling your hair can also pull hairs out, causing bald spots resulting in bald spots. If stress is the cause perhaps victims should consider visiting psychotherapist to help them reduce their stress levels or learn self help techniques like EFT- Emotional Freedom Techniques to reduce and remove their stress levels.

Grey Hairs
If you have premature grey hair you will receive comments like 'You worry too much!'  Now it is proven to be true as stress can cause this too. Bald spots can also grow back with grey hairs. "And then when the hair grows back, sometimes it grows in as gray hairs," Dr. Mayoral says. So it's true that stress does cause gray hairs! 

Notice how your on your big day when you should be looking your best you instead have an acne outbreak. This is a nightmare for a bride. Stress induce oil production and that is a recipe for acne.

Deform Nails 
Notice how children tend to deal with nervous nail biting. Adults however play with their nails, "When they're not thinking about it, they are picking at their nail and they actually damage the growth plate of the nail and the nail grows in with a ridge in the middle of it," Dr. Mayoral says.

Stress induce cortisol production which affects how we look. Beauty in this case is really skin deep. Stress is actually an acceptable word for this acronym I have been using in my talks. Stress and Trauma Results in Emotional Stuck States. EFT helps to remove these stuck states very quickly. If you want to look beautiful or handsome learn to control your stress levels.

With Happiness
Isaac Lim

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stuttering Cured in 45 Minutes and other Speech Defects.

Have you read or seen the movie 'The King's Speech' a true story? What would the future king do if he is unable to address his subjects in public. when he stutters with difficulty with embarrassingly long pauses just to get the words out. How does he lead a nation when they cannot understand him?

King George turns to a diverse number of 'therapist' that forced him to fill his mouth with cold marbles while attempting to read and even tried  smoking to calm his throat. If he had not given up he might have choked to death or even die of lung cancer. In the end he found a therapist who was able to help him with daily sessions involving reading, jaw and vocal cord exercises, rolling on floor and what not. It was tedious and real hard work that was time consuming and require sheer dedication. One can say that the king was willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation. The good news was he did recover eventually after all that.

EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques can achieve the same result in 45 minutes! One of my Level 1 graduates had the opportunity to treat a person with stuttering issue. Read his email testimony:

'I would said that the whole treatment was quite fast. From interviewing to end about 45 mins. total. What I did was find out what was the cause of the stuttering. Fortunately, he was able to tell me that since young when he was able to speak, his mother used to slap him whenever he talks. I then go through the BR with him and get him to do it with sincerity. He is a qigong practitioner as well and have confidence in me as I have been teaching him a couple of qigong form. We meet up a week later at our regular qigong session and the stuttering is down to almost zero, so much so that you would not know he is a stutterer. I like EFT for its simplicity and quick result, so there is not much to write. Maybe you could ask me some questions that I might have miss out. No, I have not seen the King's Speech yet. I did not know it is about the Kings' stuttering.'

Not only is EFT able to help speech defects like stuttering but also dyslexia. I have also treated some with a common speech issue 'fear of public speaking' very effectively with just 1-3 sessions depending on how many related aspects are involved.

With happiness
Isaac Lim
Energy Psychology Centre

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mental Health Test for our children? My Letter to the Star Editor

Kudos on mental health test, but...
Mental Health Test for our children? My Letter to the Star Editor
I would like to give the thumbs up to the health and education ministry initiative to launch the pilot project in four secondary schools to address mental health issues. But I would like to question the use of terms like 'mental health test' as it is noted to be a sensitive issue. I fear that such terms would be largely misunderstood by the general population especially students, parents and even teachers. I can imagine students who fail the 'mental health test' would be mock by fellow student as 'mental' as the term is used loosely in normal English language to denote in derogatory terms of people with abnormal behaviour. Parents will not want their children to be labelled with such a stigma and teachers may need to be taught how to help rather than isolate such 'emotionally challenged people'. Yes, that would be a more appropriate term to apply. Instead of 'mental health test' why not 'emotional health test' after all there is a blurred distinction that diagnose one as suffering from acute emotional stress and another from mental diseases. We will be able to win over the general public to this pilot project if we promote and 'reframe' it in a less threatening way. I have no doubt 'mental health evaluation' is medically correct term but is it socially and politically correct? Even the DSM used to diagnose mental disorder takes pain to be correct, "A common misconception is that a classification of mental disorders classifies people, when actually what are being classified are disorders that people have. For this reason, the text of DSM-IV (as did the text of DSM-III-R) avoids the use of such expressions as "a schizophrenic" or "an alcoholic" and instead uses the more accurate, but admittedly more cumbersome, "an individual with Schizophrenia" or "an individual with Alcohol Dependence." 
Another misconception to correct is that the actual issue is not the environment but the inability of the general population to deal with negative emotions. As Dr Abdul Kadir said 'the project was a move in the right direction because puberty period could be challenging for secondary school students who might face emotional issuesrelated to studies, peer and parental pressures and unsafe neighbourhoods. '  All of us face these stressful environmental but not all of us suffer from emotionally disorder as a consequence of these. This is because many are not able to deal with and process negative emotions properly. Aside from arguments of predisposition and genetics let us consider emotional management. There is a need to teach students how to deal with their emotions. It is strange that we all process hundreds of emotions daily yet there is no course or subject that helps us do what is a daily necessity. Does it come naturally to everyone? Statistic show otherwise, Malaysian Psychiatric Association article on anxiety reports, "Anxiety disorder is very common. A rough estimate is that all the anxiety disorders together may affect up to 25% to 30% of the population".  If we can process our emotions properly it would not deteriorate to acute emotional stress and later to disorders like anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression and even mental illness. In other words why don't we teach our kids to deal with their emotions at an early age? The results can be emotionally balance children who graduate to become emotionally balanced adults. If we have moral education why not have 'emotional intelligence' as part of it. Today we have cognitive therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy and other sub-modalities in the psychotherapy world like NLP and EFT amongst others that can be integrated and simplified for secondary students. I am sure we will be churning out modal students of great humanistic potentials with this subject of 'emotional intelligence'!
Isaac Lim
Member of Malaysian Psychotherapy Association

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Happy? New Year 2011. When someone enthusiastically greets you  with this annually recycled greeting do you know what it really means? Did he mean 'happy' because we are having yet another excuse to party till morning? Does he mean prophetically you are going to have a 'happy' 2011? Does he mean 2010 for the world was such a horrible year and a new year will be like 'good riddance' to 2010?  Isn't it strange how we greet each other without really understanding what it means. Let's greet each other meaningfully. Here is my greeting to you.

May 2011 be a special year to you all,
Let it be a year of blessings,
Fill with happiness and joy in everything you experience,
Allow life to be our teacher and learn from lives experience,
Tapping away the bad and making it all good,
Let us feel healthy and thank every part of our body that is good,
Tap away the pain and make it better,
Feel beautiful about yourelf because you are,

For me it was good and stable in health, wealth and everything else. We had so much to thank for and so much to learn from our mistakes. It's been a year of living life to the best and accepting things as they come or not come. EFT has been the life tool in getting through the worst and getting the most from life's challenges. I would like to be able to face 2011 with new vigor and vision and would like all my EFT graduates, clients, friends to tap with me on this fomula for achieving it and making 2011 awesome!