Sunday, January 31, 2010
There is a qigong exercise that I call the lazy persons qigong. It requires one to sleep on it. Yes just lie down and breath. It is also call the 2-4-2-6 diaphrammatic breathing exercise. It generally increase oxygen flow to the whole body. This results in rejunevation of cells and detox the body. Cancer patients weak and pale from chemo and other treatments will find this exercise amazing as their face will be reddish with a glow within a week. I use it when with the first signs of gout (which I inherited as genetic trait of high uric acid). About 3 times a year it makes me hop about like I was literally stepping on hot coals of fire. But with this exercise I can preempt it before it develops further. It helps with chi and blood circulation to remove the build up of uric acid in my toes. However when I taught my wife this excercise I did not expect another amazing benefit. She was doing it 2-3 times a day. About a week later she said she wanted to show me something.She lifted up her blouse and proudly showed off her .....abs! It was sculptered and firm but don't expect six packs. The fact that previously it was saggy (you know what child birth can do to your figures) and now this WOW! I did not realise this exercise is also good for figures. After the initial results which she proudly showed off to her sisters she continue religiously and now her posture is great when before it was a little haunched and her chest lifted. She looks simply great. We joked how we could teach it to others, "Girls do you want a great figure? Just come to our slimming qigong classes".
I had been driving to Kuala Pilah every two weeks to visit my daughter in her NS camp. I seldom travel far perhaps once a year for a holiday.The journey takes 4 hours to and fro. At the end of the journey I was like puff out and dead tired. My age is catching up. This morning I was already feeling tired before the journey and decided to do EFT on this tiredness. This anxiety that I may feel tired during the journey and I tapped for not feeling tired but energize. I was so surprised to find myself so energized that when I reached home I even volunteered to cook for the family and after which I did my EFT exam studies on DVD. Normally if I am exhausted I would fall asleep watching those how to videos but not today.WOW! EFT sure is great when you need more energy.
With Happiness
Isaac Lim
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mothers will always be mothers. Their maternal instinct does not end when her child turns 18, flies away from the nest, becomes employed or even find a nice girl and settles down. They still fret and worry anxiously about their children. I have under my care some mothers who are already in their 80's yet they constantly worry about their children who are married and with their own families! Nature can be cruel but I guess without mothers most children would not have survived on their own. We do owe them a great depth of appreciation for all they are willing to give up for the childrens sake.
The problem arise when mothers expects appreciation to be their due. They become sensitive when their children fails to buy them a meal. When the children fails to call them up. When their children fails to visit them as often as they expect. That is when they become angry feeling that they are not appreciated after all the sacrifices they had given. They become resentful and small words becomes big issues as it is interpreted through the lens of ungratefulness.
I had to do EFT for my own mum today as she though my brother wanted her out off the way by asking, 'Are you going back?' From a mole hill she turns it into a pyramid overnight. To achieve what Pharoahs took to accomplish a lifetime she churns her mind and emotion with intrusive angry thoughts the whole night. By morning she is an emotional wreak fuming from the ears and pouring from the eyes with self pity. Physically she was having body pains because of tense muscles and block energies. I had to do EFT on her and within 20 minutes she become more normal followed by qigong. EFT was already able to reduce her physical pain by 80% as it was mostly due to emotions. She said she felt more relax after the session. Her anger was gone replaced by forgiveness. I believe my brother owes me:)
At noon my staff came to me for shoulder pain that extend from right side of her neck to the elbow. She had difficulty sleeping and took pain killers that relieved her for a while. I believe those pain killers from Indonesia contains steroid. She said she was shy to come to me earlier. How people suffer for shyness sake simply beats me. In 10 minutes I healed her with qigong. She had a block nerve in her shoulder that cut off the circulation to her arms and it was cold and clammy to the touch. Why suffer the whole night and morning for shyness sake when you caould rid the pain in 10 minutes?
Isaac Lim
www.eftwonder.comTuesday, January 19, 2010

I remember Bugs Bunny favourite greetings that came with that bored so-what look. You know , the one with the drooping eyelids and crossed legs complete with carrot munching as he drawl 'Whats' up doc?' Well, plenty is up if you are wondering what I am up to.
I remember Bugs Bunny favourite greetings that came with that bored so-what look. You know , the one with the drooping eyelids and crossed legs complete with carrot munching as he drawl 'Whats' up doc?' Well, plenty is up if you are wondering what I am up to.
Since last September my qigong group of medical practitioners had been visiting a home for the handicapped. Little twisted bodies lie on the floor mat writhing away with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and other deforming diseases. We send energies to these little ones which made them more comfortable and reduce their discomfort and pain. The care givers and workers in the home also benefitted from our compassionate healing. A Bangladeshi man in his 30's stocky and healthy came to me with an injured left elbow. It was painful when I tried bending it. He had difficulty carrying these helpless children since he was involved in a motorbike accident 3-4 months ago.
I scanned his arm and unblock the stuck energy from his shoulder to elbow and sweep it down his hand. I proceeded to energize his elbow feeling for his nerves to respond as it twitch and vibrate. After ten minutes I tested his arm again and he said 'no pain'. He gave me a big grin and the thumbs up. It's nice to be appreciated even if he lacks the verbal skills. His sincerity and gratitude came from his heart which was more eloquent than those who try to flatter you with flowery words.
I also had clients coming to my therapy office with emotional scars. Their physical scars are long gone after corrective surgery but no plastic surgeon could remove the emotional scars in their hearts and mind. After the first EFT session she already reported significant healing and progressing well after each session.
Another interesting case was a women who worked for an international woman aid agency and she had to face women who had terrible traumatic experiences. Unless you have a heart of stone you will be affected by all the horrors they tell you. I had to install an emotional proof vest on her so that she would not be too disturbed as it was affecting her ability to focus on her career and it was giving her nightmares. She felt their pain and I had to also teach her to tap on her collar bone point as she listen to their shocking stories. It neutralizes negative energies from entering her body. Many people think it is okay to pour their bitterness and angst to others who will listen. Little do they realise that some people will feel their pain and while they themselves feel better the other party suffers for hours to come. If they know EFT they could resolve many emotional issues themselves without involving others. Those who possess a caring heart and just could not say no to the troubled soul who must unload their problems on someone could use EFT to neutralize negative energies that are being unloaded by simply tapping on the collarbone point while listening on the phone. The most ideal suggestion is learn EFT the proper way and it is easy to learn . A one day workshop is all you need. Being kind need not be painful.
Isaac Lim
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