But the simple fact is that it has invaded the world in an extraordinary short time - within 3 months! The last count was 138 countries and still counting. We don't need aliens from outer space to invade the earth when we have H1N1 virus doing a much more effective job of world wide invasion. If I recalled in H.G Wells 'War of the Worlds" it was virus that killed the aliens and stopped dead their invasion of earth (not the Brad Pitt version). It started in Mexico and they were only alerted by the unusual number of death among flu patients. It attacks the lungs and soon it become inflamed and flooded by mucous. Soon the patient struggles to breath and dies drowning in their own mucuos. This horrifying and not so scientific explanation of the symptoms of pneumonia is to tell it as it is. H1N1 does not kill per se but cause secondary bacterial infections so that 9 out of every 10 deaths are due to pneumonia complications. http://www.ehealthmd.com/ describes it medically:
What Is Pneumonia?
Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection of the lungs most commonly caused by a bacteria or virus. Pneumonia can also be caused by inhaling vomit or other foreign substances.
In all cases, the lungs' air sacs fill with pus , mucous, and other liquids and cannot function properly. This means oxygen cannot reach the blood and the cells of the body.
That did not sound pretty either. So if deaths are due to pneumonia it is only logical to be vaccinated for it. Another more compelling reason is that H1N1 vaccination is still not in production and certainly will not be able to meet the world demand. Production will not be able to beat the dateline for the second wave of H1N1 which if history repeats itself will be deadly. In the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 40 million died in a little over a year! Those who died were fine healthy people without preexisting disease or are high risk groups that we say are more vulnerable. It is only logical that we take the preventive pneumonia vaccine. The cheaper Pneumo 23 is effective enough . A Karen Lee puts it squarely when she wrote:
Studies have shown that 30% of H1N1 pneumonia related deaths are due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Getting yourself vaccinated means you have eliminated 30% of the possible risk of dying from H1N1 pneumonia.Of course, that does not mean you will not get H1N1 but at least you will not die of it… that’s what everyone would prefers. It’s really not about afraid of getting H1N1, it’s more about dying from it……..
While the scientific community argues about its efficacy there is no harm in taking the vaccine as it is very safe with only very minor side effects.
"Unfortunately, I think too much emphasis has been placed on inappropriate administration of [the antiviral drug] Tamiflu, which has its own side effects and, aside from that, may create resistance," said Dr. Len Horovitz, a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. "Most of my pulmonary patients are already getting [Pneumovax], but I am broadening my recommendation to other patients, since it is such a relatively harmless thing to do."
But preliminary results presented to the CDC vaccine committee in June by Dr. Matthew R. Moore, a CDC medical epidemiologist, indicated that about 40% of swine-flu-related pneumonia had an unknown cause -- and that about 30% were caused by S. pneumoniae. This suggests that at least a third of flu-related pneumonia deaths could be prevented by vaccination.
Virologists are concerned with three aspects of any influenza virus: (1) novelty, (2) transmissibility, (3) lethality. The current H1N1 is novel, that is, we have no antibodies to this strain. Its transmissibility is high but its lethality (percent who die after infection) is still low, except in Mexico. Why it was so lethal in Mexico, no one knows. Will that lethality return as the virus mutates this summer?
I leave you to ponder your next step as Margeret Chan of WHO warn 'Be prepared for the next wave'. ...'We cannot say for certain whether the worst is over or the worst is yet to come.'
She sounds like a prophetess of doom. Her words just sent shivers down my spine 'the worst is yet to come'! As far as I and my family are concern we have some defence having already taken the pneumo 23 jab. Here is my real life account of what it was like.
The doctor open a styrofoam box and packed between two ice packs were 7 nos vaccines each costing US42.60 (Rm.150) . He unpacked one of the vaccines and out came the tiniest syringe I have ever seen preloaded with the vaccine. I was actually relieved that the syringe was so minuiture for that would mean the pain would also be minute and I was right. Just a pin prick on my arm , but my wife and her sister said it was painful. I noted that both were less fleshy and perhaps they were tense while I actually laughed through the whole thing. No, I am not being macho just that laughter releases endophine that kills pain as the laughing therapist I should know. Any side effects my sister in law asked? The good doctor replied ' Just some swelling and itching on the arm maybe slight fever for 1 or 2 days.
The following day my arm was painful and there was swelling and redness about 55mm diameter across where the jab was. On the second night I experienced chills and bodyaches but no fever , recovered the following day. When I inquired I found that the others only experienced very slight swelling and itching and nothing else! They got off lightly while macho man had to suffer. Talk about payback time.
Other than the vaccination I had bought small 60ml pocket size hand sanitizers for my whole family. To save cost I also bought a large 720ml bottle to refill the 60ml ones. Those things are like magic you only need to apply a small amount of gel, rub your hands togather and presto it's dry and germ free! No soap, no water just more money. They are not cheap and the pharmacies are jacking up the prices and making a killing but fortunately more players are coming in and with competition it gets cheaper. I must warn you of side effects. Ladies my wife say her hands gets too dry. Man especially teetoller I noticed that after using it 6 times in as many hours I get a little light headed after all it is alcohol based! Children don't drink drink it! Everyone make sure you rub until dry before rubbing your eyes with your hands. IT BURNS LIKE HELL! Ask my wife, she had a scratch on her hands and she almost used the fire extinguiher on it.
Face mask are good if those coughing sneezing idiots will wear it. Instead they literary gush out virus laden droplets at us forcing us to wear face mask instead! Yes those with virus are suppose to wear it but because they don't they terrorize poor frighten people like us into wearing these suffocating masks. I used the 3M mask bought it an inflated price Rm 7 a piece! There are more comfortable ones but they give little protection and of little use unless you plan to rob a bank.
Finally, if you believe in God pray that the second wave is not deadly or God help us all.
With Blessings
Isaac Lim